Package Biskit :: Module mathUtils
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Source Code for Module Biskit.mathUtils

  1  ## Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Mar 26, 2007 by 
  3  ## 
  4  ## Biskit, a toolkit for the manipulation of macromolecular structures 
  5  ## Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Raik Gruenberg & Johan Leckner 
  6  ## 
  7  ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  8  ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
  9  ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
 10  ## License, or any later version. 
 11  ## 
 12  ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 13  ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 15  ## General Public License for more details. 
 16  ## 
 17  ## You find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file 
 18  ## license.txt along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
 19  ## Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
 20  ## 
 21  ## 
 23  ## $Revision: 2.12 $ 
 24  ## last $Author: graik $ 
 25  ## last $Date: 2007/04/06 10:16:08 $ 
 27  """ 
 28  general purpose math methods 
 29  """ 
 31  import numpy.oldnumeric as N 
 32  import random 
 33  import numpy.oldnumeric.random_array as RandomArray 
 34  import math 
36 -class MathUtilError( Exception ):
37 pass
39 -def accumulate( a ):
40 """ 41 cumulative sum of C{ a[0], a[0]+a[1], a[0]+a[1]+[a2], ... } 42 normalized by C{ N.sum( a ) } 43 44 @param a: array('f') or float 45 @type a: array 46 47 @return: float 48 @rtype: float 49 """ 50 return N.add.accumulate( a ) / N.sum( a )
51 52
53 -def variance(x, avg = None):
54 """ 55 Variance, S{sigma}^2 56 57 @param x: data 58 @type x: array('f') or float 59 @param avg: use this average, otherwise calculated from x 60 @type avg: float OR None 61 62 @return: float 63 @rtype: float 64 """ 65 if avg is None: 66 avg = N.average(x) 67 68 if len(x) == 1: 69 return 0.0 70 71 return N.sum(N.power(N.array(x) - avg, 2)) / (len(x) - 1.)
72 73
74 -def SD(x, avg = None):
75 """ 76 Standard deviation, S{sigma} 77 78 @param x: data 79 @type x: array('f') or float 80 @param avg: use this average, otherwise calculated from x 81 @type avg: float OR None 82 83 @return: float 84 @rtype: float 85 """ 86 return N.sqrt(variance(x, avg))
87 88
89 -def wMean(x, w=None):
90 """ 91 Weighted mean: Mean of data (x) weighted by (w). 92 93 @param x: X-D array with numbers 94 @type x: array 95 @param w: 1-D array of same length as x with weight factors 96 @type w: array 97 98 @return: array('f') or float 99 @rtype: array('f') or float 100 """ 101 if w is None: 102 wx = x 103 else: 104 wx = [ x[i] * 1. * w[i] for i in range( len(x) ) ] 105 106 return N.sum(wx)/N.sum(w)
107 108
109 -def wVar(x, w):
110 """ 111 Variance of weighted (w) data (x). 112 113 @param x: X-D array with numbers 114 @type x: array 115 @param w: 1-D array of same length as x with weight factors 116 @type w: array 117 118 @return: array('f') or float 119 @rtype: array('f') or float 120 """ 121 wm = wMean(x,w) 122 return ( N.sum(w) / ( (N.sum(w)**2-N.sum(w**2)) ) ) * N.sum(w*(x-wm)**2)
123 124
125 -def wSD(x, w):
126 """ 127 Standard deviation of weighted data. 128 129 @param x: X-D array with numbers 130 @type x: array 131 @param w: 1-D array of same length as x with weight factors 132 @type w: array 133 134 @return: array('f') or float 135 @rtype: array('f') or float 136 """ 137 return N.sqrt( wVar(x, w) )
138 139
140 -def cross(v, w):
141 """ 142 Cross product between two coordinates. 143 144 @param v: coordinate vector 145 @type v: list or array 146 @param w: coordinate vector 147 @type w: list or array 148 149 @return: array('f') or float 150 @rtype: array('f') or float 151 """ 152 x = v[1]*w[2] - v[2]*w[1] 153 y = v[2]*w[0] - v[0]*w[2] 154 z = v[0]*w[1] - v[1]*w[0] 155 156 return N.array( (x, y, z ) )
157 158
159 -def aboveDiagonal( pw_m ):
160 """ 161 Collect att the values above the diagonal in a square 162 matrix. 163 164 @param pw_m: symmetric square matrix 165 @type pw_m: 2-D array 166 167 @return: raveled list of 'unique' values without diagonal 168 @rtype: list 169 """ 170 r = [] 171 for i in range( 0, len( pw_m ) ): 172 173 for j in range( i+1, len( pw_m ) ): 174 175 r.append( pw_m[i,j] ) 176 177 return r
178 179
180 -def arrayEqual( a, b ):
181 """ 182 Compare 2 arrays or lists of numbers for equality. 183 184 @param a: first array (multi-dimensional is supported) 185 @type a: array / list 186 @param b: second array (multi-dimensional is supported) 187 @type b: array / list 188 189 @return: 1 if array/list a equals array/list b 190 @rtype: 1|0 191 """ 192 if a is None or b is None: 193 return a is b 194 195 if len(a) != len(b): 196 return 0 197 198 if type(a) is list: a = N.array( a ) 199 if type(b) is list: b = N.array( b ) 200 201 a = N.ravel( a ) 202 b = N.ravel( b ) 203 204 return N.sum( a==b ) == len(a)
205 206
207 -def pairwiseDistances(u, v):
208 """ 209 Pairwise distances between two arrays. 210 211 @param u: first array 212 @type u: array 213 @param v: second array 214 @type v: array 215 216 @return: Numeric.array( len(u) x len(v) ) of double 217 @rtype: array 218 """ 219 diag1 = N.diagonal( u, N.transpose(u) ) ) 220 diag2 = N.diagonal( v, N.transpose(v) ) ) 221 dist = v,N.transpose(u) )\ 222 -N.transpose( u, N.transpose(v) ) ) 223 dist = N.transpose( N.asarray( map( lambda column,a:column+a, \ 224 N.transpose(dist), diag1) ) ) 225 return N.transpose( N.sqrt( N.asarray( 226 map( lambda row,a: row+a, dist, diag2 ) ) ))
227 228
229 -def randomMask( nOnes, length ):
230 """ 231 Create random array of given lenght and number of ones. 232 233 @param nOnes: number of ones 234 @type nOnes: int 235 @param length: lenght of array 236 @type length: int 237 238 @return: array with ones and zeros 239 @rtype: array( 1|0 ) 240 """ 241 r = N.zeros( length ) 242 pos = [] 243 244 ## add random ones 245 for i in range( nOnes ): 246 pos += [ int( random.random() * length ) ] 247 N.put( r, pos, 1 ) 248 249 ## if two ones ended up on the same position 250 while nOnes != N.sum(r): 251 pos = int( random.random() * length ) 252 N.put( r, pos, 1 ) 253 254 return r
255 256
257 -def random2DArray( matrix, ranNr=1, mask=None):
258 """ 259 Create randomized 2D array containing ones and zeros. 260 261 @param matrix: matrix to randomize 262 @type matrix: 2D array 263 @param mask: mask OR None (default: None) 264 @type mask: list(1|0) 265 @param ranNr: number of matricies to add up (default: 1) 266 @type ranNr: integer 267 268 @return: 2D array or |ranNr| added contact matricies 269 @rtype:2D array 270 271 @raise MathUtilError: if mask does not fit matrix 272 """ 273 ## get shape of matrix 274 a,b = N.shape( matrix ) 275 276 ## get array from matrix that is to be randomized 277 if mask is not None: 278 if len(mask) == len( N.ravel(matrix) ): 279 array = N.compress( mask, N.ravel(matrix) ) 280 281 if len(mask) != len( N.ravel(matrix) ): 282 raise MathUtilError( 283 'MatUtils.random2DArray - mask of incorrect length' + 284 '\tMatrix length: %i Mask length: %i'\ 285 %(len( N.ravel(matrix) ), len(mask))) 286 287 if not mask: 288 array = N.ravel(matrix) 289 290 ## number of ones and length of array 291 nOnes = int( N.sum( array ) ) 292 lenArray = len( array ) 293 ranArray = N.zeros( lenArray ) 294 295 ## create random array 296 for n in range(ranNr): 297 ranArray += randomMask( nOnes, lenArray ) 298 299 ## blow up to size of original matix 300 if mask is not None: 301 r = N.zeros(a*b) 302 N.put( r, N.nonzero(mask), ranArray) 303 return N.reshape( r, (a,b) ) 304 305 if not mask: 306 return N.reshape( ranArray, (a,b) )
307 308
309 -def runningAverage( x, interval=2, preserve_boundaries=0 ):
310 """ 311 Running average (smoothing) over a given data window. 312 313 @param x: data 314 @type x: list of int/float 315 @param interval: window size C{ (-(interval-1)/2 to +(interval-1)/2) } 316 (default: 2) 317 @type interval: int 318 @param preserve_boundaries: shrink window at edges to keep original 319 start and end value (default: 0) 320 @type preserve_boundaries: 0|1 321 322 @return: list of floats 323 @rtype: [ float ] 324 """ 325 326 if interval == 0: 327 return x 328 329 l = [] 330 331 interval = int((interval-1)/2) 332 333 if not preserve_boundaries: 334 335 for i in range(len(x)): 336 337 left = max(0, i - interval) 338 right = min(len(x), i + interval + 1) 339 340 slice = x[left:right] 341 342 l.append(N.average(slice)) 343 else: 344 345 for i in range( len(x) ): 346 347 left = i - interval 348 right= i + interval + 1 349 350 if left < 0: 351 right = right + left 352 left = 0 353 if right > len(x): 354 left = left + right - len(x) 355 right = len(x) 356 357 slice = x[left:right] 358 359 l.append(N.average(slice)) 360 361 return N.array(l)
362 363
364 -def packBinaryMatrix( cm ):
365 """ 366 Compress sparse array of 0 and ones to list of one-positions 367 (space saving function, upack with L{unpackBinaryMatrix}). 368 369 @param cm: X by Y array of int 370 @type cm: 2D array 371 372 @return: {'shape':(X,Y), 'nonzero':[int] } 373 @rtype: dict 374 """ 375 if cm == None or type( cm ) == dict: 376 return cm 377 378 result = {} 379 result['shape'] = N.shape( cm ) 380 result['nonzero'] = N.nonzero( N.ravel( cm ) ) 381 result['nonzero'] = result['nonzero'].tolist() 382 return result
383 384
385 -def unpackBinaryMatrix( pcm, raveled=0 ):
386 """ 387 Uncompress array of 0 and 1 that was compressed with L{packBinaryMatrix}. 388 389 @param pcm: {'shape':(X,Y,..), 'nonzero':[int]} 390 @type pcm: dict 391 @param raveled: return raveled (default: 0) 392 @type raveled: 1|0 393 394 @return: N.array(X by Y by ..) of int 395 @rtype: 2D array 396 """ 397 if type( pcm ) != dict: 398 return pcm 399 400 s = pcm['shape'] 401 402 m = N.zeros( N.cumproduct( s )[-1], N.Int) 403 pass ## m.savespace( 1 ) 404 N.put( m, pcm['nonzero'], 1 ) 405 406 if raveled: 407 return m 408 409 return N.reshape( m, s )
410 411
412 -def matrixToList( cm ):
413 """ 414 Convert matrix into standard python list remembering the dimensions. 415 Unpack with L{listToMatrix}. 416 417 @note: Not used right now. 418 419 @param cm: array of int 420 @type cm: 2D array 421 422 @return: {'shape':(int,..), 'lst':[..] } 423 @rtype: dict 424 """ 425 if cm == None or type( cm ) == dict: 426 return cm 427 428 result = {} 429 result['shape'] = N.shape( cm ) 430 result['lst'] = N.ravel( cm ).tolist() 431 432 return result
433 434
435 -def listToMatrix( lcm ):
436 """ 437 Convert result of L{matrixToList} back into Numeric array 438 439 @note: Not used right now. 440 441 @param lcm: {'shape':(int,..), 'lst':[..] } 442 @type lcm: dict 443 444 @return: Numeric.array 445 @rtype: 446 """ 447 if type( lcm ) != dict: 448 return lcm 449 450 s = lcm['shape'] 451 return N.reshape( lcm['lst'], s )
452 453
454 -def eulerRotation(alpha, beta, gamma):
455 """ 456 Builds a rotation matrix from successive rotations: 457 1. rotation about y-axis by angle alpha 458 2. rotation about x-axis by angle beta 459 3. rotation about z-axis by angle gamma 460 461 @author: Michael Habeck 462 463 @param alpha: euler angle S{alpha} 464 @type alpha: float 465 @param beta: euler angle S{beta} 466 @type beta: float 467 @param gamma: euler angle S{gamma} 468 @type gamma: float 469 470 @return: 3 x 3 array of float 471 @rtype: array 472 """ 473 cos_alpha = N.cos(alpha); sin_alpha = N.sin(alpha) 474 cos_beta = N.cos(beta); sin_beta = N.sin(beta) 475 cos_gamma = N.cos(gamma); sin_gamma = N.sin(gamma) 476 477 R = N.zeros((3,3), N.Float32) 478 479 R[0][0] = cos_gamma * cos_alpha - sin_gamma * cos_beta * sin_alpha 480 R[0][1] = cos_gamma * sin_alpha + sin_gamma * cos_beta * cos_alpha 481 R[0][2] = sin_gamma * sin_beta 482 483 R[1][0] = -sin_gamma * cos_alpha - cos_gamma * cos_beta * sin_alpha 484 R[1][1] = -sin_gamma * sin_alpha + cos_gamma * cos_beta * cos_alpha 485 R[1][2] = cos_gamma * sin_beta 486 487 R[2][0] = sin_beta * sin_alpha 488 R[2][1] = -sin_beta * cos_alpha 489 R[2][2] = cos_beta 490 491 return R
492 493
494 -def randomRotation():
495 """ 496 Get random rotation matrix. 497 498 @author: Michael Habeck 499 500 @return: 3 x 3 array of float 501 @rtype: array 502 """ 503 alpha = RandomArray.random() * 2 * N.pi 504 gamma = RandomArray.random() * 2 * N.pi 505 beta = N.arccos(2*(RandomArray.random() - 0.5)) 506 507 return eulerRotation(alpha, beta, gamma)
508 509
510 -def intersection( a, b, optimize=1 ):
511 """ 512 Intersection of the two lists (i.e. all values common to both two lists). 513 C{ intersection( [any], [any] ) -> [any] } 514 515 @param a: first list 516 @type a: [any] 517 @param b: second list 518 @type b: [any] 519 @param optimize: result is sorted like the shorter of the two lists 520 (default: 1) 521 @type optimize: 1|0 522 523 @return: list 524 @rtype: [any] 525 """ 526 if optimize and len(a) > len(b): 527 a, b = b, a 528 529 return [ x for x in a if x in b ]
530 531
532 -def nonredundant( l ):
533 """ 534 All members of a list without duplicates 535 C{ noredundant( [any] ) -> [any] } 536 537 @param l: list 538 @type l: [any] 539 540 @return: list 541 @rtype: [any] 542 """ 543 r = [] 544 for x in l: 545 if x not in r: 546 r.append( x ) 547 return r
548 549
550 -def union( a, b ):
551 """ 552 Union of two lists (without duplicates) 553 C{ union( [any], [any] ) -> [any] } 554 555 @param a: first list 556 @type a: [any] 557 @param b: second list 558 @type b: [any] 559 560 @return: list 561 @rtype: [any] 562 """ 563 if type( a ) is N.arraytype: 564 a = a.tolist() 565 if type( b ) is N.arraytype: 566 b = b.tolist() 567 568 return nonredundant( a + b )
569 570
571 -def difference( a, b ):
572 """ 573 All members of a that are not in b 574 C{ difference([any], [any]) -> [any] } 575 576 @param a: first list 577 @type a: [any] 578 @param b: second list 579 @type b: [any] 580 581 @return: list 582 @rtype: [any] 583 """ 584 return [ x for x in a if x not in b ]
585 586
587 -def removeFromList( l, v, all=1 ):
588 """ 589 Remove all or first occurrence(s) of v from l. 590 C{ removeFromList( l, v, [all=1] ) } 591 592 @param l: list 593 @type l: [ any ] 594 @param v: remove these values 595 @type v: any or [ any ] 596 @param all: remove all occurrences (1) or only first one (0) (default: 1) 597 @type all: 0|1 598 599 @return: list 600 @rtype: [any] 601 """ 602 if type( v ) != type( [] ): 603 v = [ v ] 604 605 for x in v: 606 607 while x in l: 608 l.remove( x ) 609 if not all: 610 break
611 612
613 -def randomRange( start, stop, n ):
614 """ 615 Creates a set of n unique integers randomly distributed between 616 start and stop. 617 618 @param start: minimal index 619 @type start: int 620 @param stop: 1+maximal index 621 @type stop: int 622 @param n: number of indices 623 @type n: int 624 625 @return: set of unique integers evenly distributed between start and stop 626 @rtype: [int] 627 """ 628 r = [] 629 while len( r ) < n: 630 x = int( round( random.uniform( start, stop ) ) ) 631 if x < stop and not x in r: 632 r += [x] 633 r.sort() 634 return r
635 636
637 -def linfit( x, y ):
638 """ 639 Calculate linear least-square fit to the points given by x and y. 640 see U{} 641 642 @param x: x-data 643 @type x: [ float ] 644 @param y: y-data 645 @type y: [ float ] 646 647 @return: float, float - m, n, r^2 (slope, intersection, corr. coefficient) 648 @rtype: float, float, float 649 650 @raise BiskitError: if x and y have different number of elements 651 """ 652 x, y = N.array( x, N.Float64), N.array( y, N.Float64) 653 if len( x ) != len( y ): 654 raise Exception, 'linfit: x and y must have same length' 655 656 av_x = N.average( x ) 657 av_y = N.average( y ) 658 n = len( x ) 659 660 ss_xy = N.sum( x * y ) - n * av_x * av_y 661 ss_xx = N.sum( x * x ) - n * av_x * av_x 662 ss_yy = N.sum( y * y ) - n * av_y * av_y 663 664 slope = ss_xy / ss_xx 665 666 inter = av_y - slope * av_x 667 668 corr = ss_xy**2 / ( ss_xx * ss_yy ) 669 670 return slope, inter, corr
671 672
673 -def cartesianToPolar( xyz ):
674 """ 675 Convert cartesian coordinate array to polar coordinate array: 676 C{ x,y,z -> r, S{theta}, S{phi} } 677 678 @param xyz: array of cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) 679 @type xyz: array 680 681 @return: array of polar coordinates (r, theta, phi) 682 @rtype: array 683 """ 684 r = N.sqrt( N.sum( xyz**2, 1 ) ) 685 p = N.arccos( xyz[:,2] / r ) 686 687 ## have to take care of that we end up in the correct quadrant 688 t=[] 689 for i in range(len(xyz)): 690 ## for theta (arctan) 691 t += [math.atan2( xyz[i,1], xyz[i,0] )] 692 693 return N.transpose( N.concatenate( ([r],[t],[p]) ) )
694 695
696 -def polarToCartesian( rtp ):
697 """ 698 Convert polar coordinate array to cartesian coordinate array: 699 C{ r, S{theta}, S{phi} -> x,y,z } 700 701 @param rtp: array of cartesian coordinates (r, theta, phi) 702 @type rtp: array 703 704 @return: array of cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) 705 @rtype: array 706 """ 707 x = rtp[:,0] * N.cos( rtp[:,1] ) * N.sin( rtp[:,2] ) 708 y = rtp[:,0] * N.sin( rtp[:,1] ) * N.sin( rtp[:,2] ) 709 z = rtp[:,0] * N.cos( rtp[:,2] ) 710 711 return N.transpose( N.concatenate( ([x],[y],[z]) ) )
712 713
714 -def projectOnSphere( xyz, radius=None, center=None ):
715 """ 716 Project the coordinates xyz on a sphere with a given radius around 717 a given center. 718 719 @param xyz: cartesian coordinates 720 @type xyz: array N x 3 of float 721 @param radius: radius of target sphere, if not provided the maximal 722 distance to center will be used (default: None) 723 @type radius: float 724 @param center: center of the sphere, if not given the average of xyz 725 will be assigned to the center (default: None) 726 @type center: array 0 x 3 of float 727 728 @return: array of cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) 729 @rtype: array 730 """ 731 if center is None: 732 center = N.average( xyz ) 733 734 if radius is None: 735 radius = max( N.sqrt( N.sum( N.power( xyz - center, 2 ), 1 ) ) ) 736 737 rtp = cartesianToPolar( xyz - center ) 738 rtp[ :, 0 ] = radius 739 740 return polarToCartesian( rtp ) + center
741 742 743 744 ############# 745 ## TESTING 746 ############# 747 import Biskit.test as BT 748
749 -class Test(BT.BiskitTest):
750 """Test case""" 751
752 - def test_mathUtils(self):
753 """mathUtils test""" 754 ## Calculating something .. 755 self.d = N.array([[20.,30.,40.],[23., 31., 50.]]) 756 757 self.a = polarToCartesian( cartesianToPolar( self.d ) ) 758 759 self.t = eulerRotation( self.a[0][0], self.a[0][1], self.a[0][2] ) 760 761 self.assertAlmostEqual( N.sum( SD(self.a) ), self.EXPECT )
762 763 EXPECT = N.sum( N.array([ 2.12132034, 0.70710678, 7.07106781]) )
764 765 if __name__ == '__main__': 766 767 BT.localTest() 768