Package Biskit :: Module WhatIf
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Source Code for Module Biskit.WhatIf

  1  ## 
  2  ## Biskit, a toolkit for the manipulation of macromolecular structures 
  3  ## Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Raik Gruenberg & Johan Leckner 
  4  ## 
  5  ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  6  ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
  7  ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
  8  ## License, or any later version. 
  9  ## 
 10  ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 11  ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  ## General Public License for more details. 
 14  ## 
 15  ## You find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file 
 16  ## license.txt along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
 17  ## Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
 18  ## 
 19  ## 
 20  ## $Revision: 2.6 $ 
 21  ## last $Date: 2006/09/13 10:28:14 $ 
 22  ## last $Author: leckner $ 
 23  """ 
 24  Run WhatIf, calculate and collect accessibility data 
 25  """ 
 27  import Numeric as N 
 28  import string 
 29  import tempfile 
 31  from Biskit import Executor, TemplateError 
 32  ## import Biskit.settings as S 
 33  import as T 
36 -class WhatIf_Error( Exception ):
37 pass
39 -class WhatIf( Executor ):
40 """ 41 WhatIf 42 ====== 43 Run WhatIf accessibility calculation 44 45 Result 46 ------ 47 A WhatIf log file containing the accessibilities (in square Angstrom) 48 per residue. The ASA is specified for the entire residue as well for 49 the backbone and side chain. 50 51 Reference 52 --------- 53 U{} 54 55 @note: WhatIf is not free software, therefore the calculations performed 56 by this class can now also be performed by the freeware program 57 SurfaceRacer, see L{ Biskit.SurfaceRacer }. 58 """ 59 60 whatif_script ="""SOUP \nINISOU 61 62 GETMOL \n%(f_pdb)s \nTEST 63 64 ACCESS \nINIACC 65 SETACC \nALL \n0 \n 66 67 DOLOG \n%(f_relativeASA)s \n0 68 VACACC \nN \nALL 69 NOLOG 70 71 DOLOG \n%(f_residueASA)s \n0 72 SHOACC \nALL \n0 73 NOLOG""" 74 75
76 - def __init__( self, model, **kw ):
77 """ 78 @param model: PDBModel 79 @type model: 80 81 @param kw: additional key=value parameters for Executor: 82 @type kw: key=value pairs 83 :: 84 debug - 0|1, keep all temporary files (default: 0) 85 verbose - 0|1, print progress messages to log (log != STDOUT) 86 node - str, host for calculation (None->local) NOT TESTED 87 (default: None) 88 nice - int, nice level (default: 0) 89 log - Biskit.LogFile, program log (None->STOUT) (default: None) 90 """ 91 Executor.__init__( self, 'whatif', template=self.whatif_script, 92 f_out='/dev/null', **kw ) 93 94 self.f_pdb = tempfile.mktemp('_whatif.pdb') 95 self.f_relativeASA = tempfile.mktemp('_whatif_relative.log') 96 self.f_residueASA = tempfile.mktemp('_whatif_residue.log') 97 98 self.model = model.clone( deepcopy=1 )
99 100
101 - def prepare( self ):
102 """ 103 Overrides Executor method. 104 """ 105 self.__prepareModel( self.model, self.f_pdb )
106 107
108 - def __prepareModel( self, m, f_pdb_out ):
109 """ 110 Prepare a model that WhatIf likes. 111 - consecutive numbering of residues 112 - remove hydrogens (will be deleted anyway) 113 114 @param m: model 115 @type m: PDBModel 116 @param f_pdb_out: name of pdb file to write 117 @type f_pdb_out: str 118 """ 119 ## Whatif deletes hydrogens anyway 120 m = m.compress( m.maskHeavy() ) 121 m.renumberResidues() 122 m.writePdb( f_pdb_out, ter=0 )
123 124
125 - def cleanup( self ):
126 """ 127 Tidy up the mess you created. 128 """ 129 Executor.cleanup( self ) 130 131 if not self.debug: 132 T.tryRemove( self.f_pdb ) 133 T.tryRemove( self.f_relativeASA ) 134 T.tryRemove( self.f_residueASA ) 135 136 T.tryRemove('FOR???.DAT', wildcard=1) 137 T.tryRemove('pdbout.tex') 138 T.tryRemove('pdbout.txt') 139 T.tryRemove('TEXSTORE.DAT') 140 T.tryRemove('TEXTABLE.DAT')
141 142
143 - def isFailed( self ):
144 """ 145 Overrides Executor method 146 """ 147 return self.error is None
148 149
150 - def finish( self ):
151 """ 152 Overrides Executor method 153 """ 154 Executor.finish( self ) 155 self.result = self.parse_whatif( )
156 157
158 - def __read_residueASA( self ):
159 """ 160 Read solvent accessibility calculated with WHATIF and return array 161 of ASA-values. First column is the total ASA, second column the ASA 162 of the backbone, the third column is the ASA of the side-chain. 163 164 @return: array (3 x len(residues)) with ASA values 165 @rtype: array 166 """ 167 ## [14:-27] skip header and tail lines line 168 169 lines = open(self.f_residueASA).readlines()[14:-27] 170 ASA_values = map(lambda line: string.split(line)[-3:], lines) 171 ASA_values = N.array(map(lambda row: map(string.atof, row), 172 ASA_values)) 173 174 return ASA_values
175 176
177 - def __read_relativeASA( self ):
178 """ 179 Read the relative ASA data. Return dic indexed by resNumber 180 with atom and relative accessibility (%) 181 182 @return: relative atom ASA dictionary. e.g:: 183 { 1: { 'N':34.6, 'CA':81.5 .. }, 2 : {.. }.... } 184 @rtype: dict of dict 185 """ 186 AtomASA = {} 187 188 logFile = open( self.f_relativeASA ) 189 190 while 1: 191 line = logFile.readline() 192 193 # first line of new residue 194 if line[:8] == 'Residue:': 195 # get residue number 196 residue = int( string.split(line)[1] ) 197 AtomASA[residue] = {} 198 199 # skip two lines 200 line = logFile.readline() 201 line = logFile.readline() 202 # read first line of atom list 203 line = logFile.readline() 204 while line[:20] != ' ': 205 206 atom = string.split(line)[0] 207 value = float( string.split(line)[-1] ) 208 AtomASA[ residue ][ atom ] = value 209 210 line = logFile.readline() 211 212 if line == '': #eof 213 break 214 215 return AtomASA
216 217
218 - def __exposedResidues( self, ASA_values, sidechainCut=0.0, 219 backboneCut=0.0, totalCut=0.0 ):
220 """ 221 Decide what is a surface exposed residue and what is not. 222 sidechainCut, backboneCut, totalCut - float, cutoff value 223 for what will be considered as a exposed residue. All 224 three values have to pass the test. 225 226 @param ASA_values: array with ASA values for side chains, backbone 227 and total calculated in L{__read_residueASA}. 228 @type ASA_values: array 229 @param sidechainCut: cutoff ASA value for considering the side chain 230 to consider thew residue being exposed 231 (default: 0.0) 232 @type sidechainCut: float 233 @param backboneCut: cutoffvalue for back bone ASA 234 @type backboneCut: float 235 @param totalCut: cutoff for total ASA 236 @type totalCut: float 237 238 @return: residue mask, where 0 = burried 239 @rtype: [1|0] 240 """ 241 col_0 = N.greater( N.transpose(ASA_values)[0], totalCut ) 242 col_1 = N.greater( N.transpose(ASA_values)[1], backboneCut ) 243 col_2 = N.greater( N.transpose(ASA_values)[2], sidechainCut ) 244 245 col_012 = N.concatenate( ([col_0],[col_1],[col_2]) ) 246 247 exposedList = N.greater(N.sum(col_012), 0) 248 249 return exposedList
250 251
252 - def parse_whatif( self ):
253 """ 254 Takes a PDBModel and returns three lists:: 255 256 relativeASA - a list of atom relative accessibilities 257 (in % - compared to the resideu in a 258 Gly-XXX-Gly tripeptide, an approximation 259 of the unfolded state) 260 261 -> N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) 262 263 residueASA - array 3 x N_residues of float 264 per res: sidechain, backbone, total 265 266 267 burriedResidues - a burried atom mask 268 note: cutoff values set above 269 270 -> [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 ...] 271 272 @return: relative accessibility, residue ASA and burried atom mask 273 @rtype: array, array, [1|0] 274 """ 275 # read ASA per residue log 276 resASA = self.__read_residueASA( ) 277 278 # and decide what is a burried residue 279 burriedResidues = self.__exposedResidues( resASA ) 280 281 # read the relative assesibility per atom log 282 atomRelASA = self.__read_relativeASA( ) 283 284 return self.__asaAtomList( atomRelASA ), resASA, burriedResidues
285 286
287 - def __asaAtomList( self, relativeASA ):
288 """ 289 convert ASA dict to list of values with len == atom number 290 291 @param relativeASA: see __read_relativeASA() 292 @type relativeASA: dict 293 294 @return: relative accessibilities e.g. [ 98.0, 0.0, 12.0, .. ], 295 Numpy array 1 x N(atoms) 296 @rtype: [float] 297 """ 298 result = [] 299 300 resIndex = 1 301 for res in self.model.resList(): 302 303 for atom in res: 304 305 if relativeASA.has_key( resIndex ) \ 306 and relativeASA[ resIndex ].has_key( atom['name'] ): 307 308 result.append( relativeASA[ resIndex ][ atom['name' ]] ) 309 else: 310 result.append( 0.0 ) 311 312 resIndex += 1 313 314 return result
315 316 317 ############# 318 ## TESTING 319 ############# 320
321 -class Test:
322 """ 323 Test class 324 """ 325
326 - def run( self, local=0 ):
327 """ 328 run function test 329 330 @param local: transfer local variables to global and perform 331 other tasks only when run locally 332 @type local: 1|0 333 334 @return: sum of the total ASA for each residue 335 @rtype: float 336 """ 337 from Biskit import PDBModel 338 339 ## Loading PDB... 340 341 f = T.testRoot()+"/com/1BGS.pdb" 342 m = PDBModel(f) 343 344 m = m.compress( m.maskProtein() ) 345 m = m.compress( m.maskHeavy() ) 346 347 ## Starting WhatIf 348 x = WhatIf( m, debug=0, verbose=0 ) 349 350 ## Running 351 atomAcc, resAcc, resMask = 352 353 if local: 354 ## check that model hasn't changed 355 m_ref = PDBModel(f) 356 m_ref = m.compress( m.maskProtein() ) 357 for k in m_ref.atoms[0].keys(): 358 ref = [ m_ref.atoms[0][k] for i in range( m_ref.lenAtoms() ) ] 359 mod = [ m.atoms[0][k] for i in range( m.lenAtoms() ) ] 360 if not ref == mod: 361 print 'Not equal ', k 362 else: 363 print 'Equal ', k 364 365 ## display exposed residues in PyMol 366 from Pymoler import Pymoler 367 pm = Pymoler() 368 model = pm.addPdb( m, '1' ) 369 pm.colorRes( '1', resAcc[:,0] ) 370 371 372 print "\nResult for first 10 atoms/residues: " 373 print '\nAccessability (A^2):\n', atomAcc[:10] 374 print '\nResidue accessability (A^2)' 375 print '[total, backbone, sidechain]:\n', resAcc[:10] 376 print '\nExposed residue mask:\n',resMask[:10] 377 print '\nTotal atom accessability (A^2): %.2f'%sum(atomAcc) 378 print ' residue accessability (A^2): %.2f'%sum(resAcc)[0] 379 380 globals().update( locals() ) 381 382 return N.sum(resAcc[:,0])
383 384
385 - def expected_result( self ):
386 """ 387 Precalculated result to check for consistent performance. 388 389 @return: sum of the total ASA for each residue 390 @rtype: float 391 """ 392 return 2814.6903
393 394 395 if __name__ == '__main__': 396 397 test = Test() 398 399 assert abs( local=1 ) - test.expected_result() ) < 1e-8 400