Package Biskit :: Module Ramachandran
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Source Code for Module Biskit.Ramachandran

  1  ## 
  2  ## Biskit, a toolkit for the manipulation of macromolecular structures 
  3  ## Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Raik Gruenberg & Johan Leckner 
  4  ## 
  5  ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  6  ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
  7  ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
  8  ## License, or any later version. 
  9  ## 
 10  ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 11  ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  ## General Public License for more details. 
 14  ## 
 15  ## You find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file 
 16  ## license.txt along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
 17  ## Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
 18  ## 
 19  ## 
 20  ## last $Date: 2006/11/12 21:59:44 $ 
 21  ## $Revision: 1.10 $ 
 22  ## last $Author:   
 23  """ 
 24  Display a Ramachandran plot for a list of PDBModels with 
 25  the same atom contents. 
 26  """ 
 28  from Biskit import ColorSpectrum as CS 
 29  from Biskit.MatrixPlot import Legend 
 30  from Biskit.PDBDope import PDBDope  
 31  from Biskit import EHandler 
 33  import Biskit.mathUtils as MU 
 34  import as T 
 36  import Numeric as N 
 38  try: 
 39      import biggles 
 40  except: 
 41      bigges = 0 
44 -class Ramachandran:
46 - def __init__( self, models, name=None, profileName='relAS', verbose=1 ):
47 """ 48 @param models: List of models display a Ramachandran plot for 49 @type models: [ PDBModel ] OR PDBModel 50 @param name: model name, will show up in plot 51 @type name: str 52 @param profileName: name of profile to use for coloring 53 (default: 'relAS') 54 @type profileName: str 55 @param verbose: verbosity level (default: 1) 56 @type verbose: 1|0 57 """ 58 if not biggles: 59 raise ImportError, 'biggles module could not be imported.' 60 61 if type(models) != type([]): 62 models = [ models ] 63 64 self.psi = [] 65 self.phi = [] 66 67 self.gly = [] 68 = [] 69 70[] 71 self.profileName = profileName 72 73 74 75 self.verbose = verbose 76 77 # calculate angles, profiles ... 78 self.calc( models ) 79 80 = N.ravel( 81 self.gly = N.ravel(self.gly) 82 = N.ravel(
83 84
85 - def calc( self, models ):
86 """ 87 Calculate angles, profiles and other things needed. 88 89 @param models: List of models 90 @type models: [ PDBModel ] 91 """ 92 res_count = 0 93 for m in models: 94 95 ## add profile if not there 96 if self.profileName: 97 += [ self.calcProfiles( m ) ] 98 99 ## calclate phi and psi angles for model 100 self.phi_and_psi( m ) 101 102 ## get list with GLY and PRO residue indices 103 gly_atomInd = m.indices(lambda a: a['residue_name']=='GLY') 104 gly_resInd = N.array( m.atom2resIndices( gly_atomInd ) ) 105 pro_atomInd = m.indices(lambda a: a['residue_name']=='PRO') 106 pro_resInd = N.array( m.atom2resIndices( pro_atomInd ) ) 107 self.gly.append( gly_resInd + res_count ) 108 pro_resInd + res_count ) 109 res_count += m.lenResidues()
110 111
112 - def calcProfiles( self, m ):
113 """ 114 Calculate needed profiles. 115 116 @param m: PDBModel to calculate data for 117 @type m: PDBModel 118 """ 119 if self.verbose: print "Initiating PDBDope..." 120 d = PDBDope( m ) 121 122 if not self.profileName in m.aProfiles.keys(): 123 124 if self.profileName in ['MS', 'AS', 'curvature', 'relAS', 'relMS']: 125 if self.verbose: print "Adding SurfaceRacer profile...", 126 d.addSurfaceRacer() 127 128 if self.profileName in ['relASA']: 129 if self.verbose: print "Adding WhatIf ASA...", 130 d.addASA() 131 132 if self.profileName in ['density']: 133 if self.verbose: print "Adding surface density...", 134 d.addDensity() 135 136 if not self.profileName in m.rProfiles.keys(): 137 138 if self.profileName in ['cons_abs', 'cons_max', 'cons_ent']: 139 if self.verbose: print "Adding conservation data...", 140 d.addConservation() 141 142 if self.profileName in ['ASA_total', 'ASA_sc', 'ASA_bb']: 143 if self.verbose: print "Adding WhatIf ASA...", 144 d.addASA() 145 146 if self.verbose: print 'Done.' 147 148 ## convert atom profiles to average residue profile 149 if self.profileName in m.aProfiles.keys(): 150 prof = [] 151 aProfile = m.profile( self.profileName ) 152 resIdx = m.resIndex() 153 resIdx += [ m.lenAtoms()] 154 for i in range(len(resIdx)-1): 155 prof += [ N.average( N.take(aProfile, range(resIdx[i], 156 resIdx[i+1]) ) )] 157 else: 158 prof = m.profile( self.profileName ) 159 160 return prof
161 162
163 - def phi_and_psi( self, model ):
164 """ 165 Calculate phi and psi torsion angles for all 166 residues in model:: 167 168 phi - rotation about the N-CA bond 169 - last position in a chain = None 170 psi - rotation about CA-C 171 - first position in a chain = None 172 173 @param model: PDBModel 174 @type model: PDBModel 175 """ 176 for c in range( model.lenChains(breaks=1) ): 177 cModel = model.takeChains( [c], breaks=1 ) 178 179 xyz = 180 181 xyz_CA = N.compress( cModel.maskCA(), xyz, 0 ) 182 xyz_N = N.compress( cModel.mask( ['N'] ), xyz, 0 ) 183 xyz_C = N.compress( cModel.mask( ['C'] ), xyz, 0 ) 184 185 ## phi: c1 - N 186 ## c2 - CA 187 ## c3 - C 188 ## c4 - N of next residue 189 for i in range( len(xyz_N)-1 ): 190 self.phi += [self.dihedral( xyz_N[i], xyz_CA[i], 191 xyz_C[i], xyz_N[i+1] )] 192 self.phi += [None] 193 194 ## psi: c1 - C of previous residue 195 ## c2 - N 196 ## c3 - CA 197 ## c4 - C 198 self.psi += [None] 199 for i in range( 1, len(xyz_N) ): 200 self.psi += [self.dihedral( xyz_C[i-1], xyz_N[i], 201 xyz_CA[i], xyz_C[i] )]
202 203
204 - def dihedral( self, coor1, coor2, coor3, coor4 ):
205 """ 206 Calculates the torsion angle of a set of four atom coordinates. 207 The dihedral angle returned is the angle between the projection 208 of i1-i2 and the projection of i4-i3 onto a plane normal to i2-i3. 209 210 @param coor1: coordinates 211 @type coor1: [float] 212 @param coor2: coordinates 213 @type coor2: [float] 214 @param coor3: coordinates 215 @type coor3: [float] 216 @param coor4: coordinates 217 @type coor4: [float] 218 """ 219 vec21 = coor2 - coor1 220 vec32 = coor3 - coor2 221 L = MU.cross( vec21, vec32 ) 222 L_norm = N.sqrt(sum(L**2)) 223 224 vec43 = coor4 - coor3 225 vec23 = coor2 - coor3 226 R = MU.cross( vec43, vec23 ) 227 R_norm = N.sqrt(sum(R**2)) 228 229 S = MU.cross( L, R ) 230 angle = sum( L*R ) / ( L_norm * R_norm ) 231 232 ## sometimes the value turns out to be ever so little greater than 233 ## one, to prevent N.arccos errors for this, set angle = 1.0 234 if angle > 1.0: angle = 1.0 235 236 if angle < -1.0: angle = -1.0 237 238 angle = N.arccos(angle) *180/N.pi 239 if sum(S*vec32) < 0.0: 240 angle = -angle 241 242 return angle
243 244
245 - def ramachandran( self ):
246 """ 247 Create all the ramachandran plot points. 248 249 @return: list of biggles.Point objects (all the points of the 250 plot)and a biggles.Inset object (property scale). 251 @rtype: [ biggles.Point ], biggles.Inset 252 """ 253 p = [] 254 255 ## calculate colors and create a legend if a property is given 256 if self.profileName: 257 palette = CS('plasma', 0, 100) 258 col = palette.color_array( ) 259 260 legend = Legend( palette.legend() ) 261 inset = biggles.Inset((1.1, 0.60), (1.2, .97), legend) 262 263 else: 264 col = ['black']*len(self.phi) 265 inset = None 266 267 ## add data points to plot 268 for i in range(len(self.phi)): 269 ## don't add termini - has missing angles 270 if self.phi[i] and self.psi[i]: 271 if i in self.gly: 272 p += [biggles.Point( self.psi[i], self.phi[i], 273 type="star", size=1, color=col[i] )] 274 elif i in 275 p += [biggles.Point( self.psi[i], self.phi[i], 276 type="filled square", size=1, 277 color=col[i] )] 278 else: 279 p += [biggles.Point( self.psi[i], self.phi[i], 280 type="filled circle", size=1, 281 color=col[i] )] 282 return p, inset
283 284
285 - def ramachandran_background( self ):
286 """ 287 Creates a background (favoured regions) for a ramachandran plot. 288 289 @return: list of biggles.Point objects 290 @rtype: [ biggles.Point ] 291 """ 292 bg = [] 293 mat = biggles.read_matrix( T.projectRoot() + 294 '/external/biggles/ramachandran_bg.dat') 295 x, y = N.shape(mat) 296 for i in range(x): 297 for j in range(y): 298 if mat[i,j] < 200: 299 a = (360./y)*j - 180 300 b = (360./x)*(x-i)- 180 301 bg += [ biggles.Point( a, b, type="dot" )] 302 return bg
303 304
305 - def show( self, fileName=None ):
306 """ 307 Show ramachandran plot. 308 """ 309 plot = biggles.FramedPlot() 310 plot.xrange = (-180., 180.) 311 plot.yrange = (-180., 180.) 312 plot.xlabel = "$\Phi$" 313 plot.ylabel = "$\Psi$" 314 315 if 316 plot.title = 317 318 ## add allowed regions 319 bg_plot = self.ramachandran_background( ) 320 for p in bg_plot: 321 plot.add( p ) 322 323 ## add ramachandran phi, psi valies 324 points, inset = self.ramachandran( ) 325 for p in points: 326 plot.add(p) 327 if inset: 328 plot.add( inset ) 329 330 plot.add( biggles.PlotLabel( 1.14, 0.55, self.profileName, size=2) ) 331 plot.add( biggles.PlotLabel( 1.1, 0.45, "GLY star", size=2) ) 332 plot.add( biggles.PlotLabel( 1.12, 0.40, "PRO square", size=2) ) 333 334 335 336 if fileName: 337 plot.write_eps( fileName )
338 339 340 ############# 341 ## TESTING 342 ############# 343
344 -class Test:
345 """ 346 Test class 347 """ 348
349 - def run( self, local=0 ):
350 """ 351 Ramachandran function test 352 353 @param local: if this option is set, local variables 354 will be transfered to global 355 @type local: 1|0 356 357 @return: sum of all psi angles 358 @rtype: float 359 """ 360 traj = T.Load( T.testRoot()+'/lig_pcr_00/traj.dat' ) 361 362 mdl = [ traj[0], traj[11] ] 363 mdl = [ md.compress( md.maskProtein() ) for md in mdl ] 364 365 rama = Ramachandran( mdl , name='test', verbose=local) 366 367 psi = N.array( rama.psi ) 368 369 if local: 370 371 372 globals().update( locals() ) 373 374 return N.sum( N.compress( psi != None, psi ) )
375 376
377 - def expected_result( self ):
378 """ 379 Precalculated result to check for consistent performance. 380 381 @return: sum of all psi angles 382 @rtype: float 383 """ 384 # N.sum( N.compress(N.array(rama.psi) != None, N.array(rama.psi))) 385 return -11717.909796797909
386 387 388 if __name__ == '__main__': 389 390 test = Test() 391 392 assert local=1 ) == test.expected_result() 393