Package Biskit :: Module Pymoler
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Source Code for Module Biskit.Pymoler

  1  ## 
  2  ## Biskit, a toolkit for the manipulation of macromolecular structures 
  3  ## Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Raik Gruenberg & Johan Leckner 
  4  ## 
  5  ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  6  ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
  7  ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
  8  ## License, or any later version. 
  9  ## 
 10  ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 11  ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  ## General Public License for more details. 
 14  ## 
 15  ## You find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file 
 16  ## license.txt along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
 17  ## Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
 18  ## 
 19  ## 
 20  ## last $Date: 2006/12/21 09:33:09 $ 
 21  ## $Revision: 2.7 $ 
 22  ## last $Author: leckner  
 23  """ 
 24  Display Structures with Pymol 
 25  """ 
 28  from PDBModel import PDBModel 
 29  import tools as T 
 30  import os 
 31  import tempfile 
 32  import settings 
 33  from Biskit import Executor, TemplateError 
 36  ## ================= single Pymol model =========================== 
38 -class PymolModel:
40 - def __init__( self, model, modName ):
41 """ 42 @param model: model to view 43 @type model: PDBModel 44 @param modName: model name, will show up in PyMol 45 @type modName: str 46 """ 47 self.fname = '' 48 self.temporary = 0 49 self.struct = None 50 51 if type( model ) is str: 52 self.fname = model 53 else: 54 self.struct = model.clone( deepcopy=1 ) ## clone atom dicts 55 self.temporary = 1 56 57 self.modName = modName 58 59 if self.fname == '': 60 self.fname = tempfile.mktemp( 'model')
61 62
63 - def addProperty( self, values, key='temperature_factor' ):
64 """ 65 Add extra value to each atom in Structure. The values 66 will be written to either the B- (temperature_factor) 67 or Q-factor 'occupancy' column in the temporary pdb-file. 68 These values can then be used to display properties in PyMol 69 via commands like 'color_b' and 'color_q'. See also 70 L{addResProperty}. 71 72 @param values: list of numbers, len( values ) == number of atoms 73 @type values: [float] 74 @param key: key for dictionary 75 ('occupancy' OR 'temperature_factor') 76 @type key: occupancy|temperature_factor 77 """ 78 if self.struct == None: 79 self.struct = PDBModel( self.fname ) 80 self.temporary = 1 81 82 i = 0 83 for atom in self.struct.atoms: 84 atom[ key ] = values[i] 85 i += 1
86 87
88 - def addResProperty( self, values, key='temperature_factor'):
89 """ 90 Does the same thing as L{addProperty} but on the residue level, 91 i.e adds extra value to each residue in Structure. 92 (The same value is added to all atoms of a residue.) 93 These values can then be used to display properties in PyMol 94 via commands like 'color_b' and 'color_q'. 95 96 @param values: list of numbers, len( values ) == number of residues 97 @type values: [float] 98 @param key: key for dictionary 99 ('occupancy' OR 'temperature_factor') 100 @type key: occupancy|temperature_factor 101 """ 102 try: 103 if self.struct == None: 104 self.struct = PDBModel( self.fname ) 105 self.temporary = 1 106 107 i = 0 108 resMap = self.struct.resMap() 109 110 for atom in self.struct.atoms: 111 atom[ key ] = values[ resMap[i] ] 112 i += 1 113 except: 114 print T.lastError()
115 116
117 - def writeIfNeeded( self ):
118 """ 119 Create pdb on disc if it's not already there or if it 120 has to be changed. 121 122 @return: filename of new or existing pdb 123 @rtype: str 124 """ 125 if self.temporary: 126 self.struct.writePdb( self.fname, 2 ) 127 return self.fname
128 129 130 ## ========================= Pymoler ============================ 131 ## create Pymol input script and display in Pymol ## 132
133 -class Pymoler( Executor ):
134 """ 135 Run Pymol 136 ========= 137 Create a pymol script file (.pml) and execule it using Pymol. 138 139 Example usage 140 ------------- 141 >>> pm = Pymoler() 142 >>> pm.addPdb( model ) 143 >>> 144 145 References 146 ---------- 147 - U{} 148 149 @note: the file is only flushed to disc when the object 150 is destructed, or the flush() method is called! 151 @note: since version 2.6 Pymoler is using Biskit.Executor 152 """ 153
154 - def __init__(self, full=0, mode='w', verbose=1, **kw ):
155 """ 156 @param mode: open file with this mode, w=override, a=append 157 @type mode: str 158 @param full: dispaly pymol structures in fill screen mode:: 159 0 - normal mode 160 1 - full screen mode 161 2 - full screen and no menues 162 @type full: 0|1|2 163 """ 164 self.verbose = verbose 165 166 # name of .pml file 167 self.foutName = tempfile.mktemp() + '.pml' 168 169 # open for <appending|writing|reading> 170 self.fgenerate = open(self.foutName, mode) 171 172 # will contain PymolModels or lists of PymolModels 173 self.dic = {} 174 175 ## add startup commands 176 self.initPymol() 177 178 ## set arguments for display options (normal, full, all) 179 arg = args='-q %s'%self.foutName 180 if full == 1: 181 arg = args='-qe %s'%self.foutName 182 if full == 2: 183 arg = args='-qei %s'%self.foutName 184 185 Executor.__init__( self, 'pymol', args=arg, 186 catch_err=1, catch_out=1, **kw )
188 - def __del__(self):
189 self.fgenerate.close()
190 191
192 - def flush(self):
193 """ 194 Flush output file (but keep it open). 195 """ 196 self.fgenerate.flush()
197 198
199 - def add(self, str):
200 """ 201 Add String str and line break to file. 202 203 @param str: string to add to pml file 204 @type str: str 205 """ 206 try: 207 self.fgenerate.write(str + '\n') 208 except (IOError): 209 T.errWriteln( 210 "PymolInput.add(): Error adding string to pymol script file.") 211 T.errWriteln( T.lastError() )
212 213
214 - def addMovie( self, pdb, modName=None ):
215 """ 216 Add one or several existing pdb files or Structure objects 217 to one model. Several files will hence end up as single movie 218 (i.e. as frames of a model in PyMol). 219 220 @param pdb: file name or a list of file names OR 221 PDBModel or list of PDBModels 222 @type pdb: str or [str] OR PDBModel or [PDBModel] 223 @param modName: model name, will show up in PyMol. If 'None' a 224 model name will be created from the source file 225 name and a serial number. 226 @type modName: str OR None 227 228 @return: the modName of the added model 229 @rtype: str 230 """ 231 if type( pdb ) is not list: 232 pdb = [pdb] 233 234 ## dream up a nice model name 235 if modName == None: 236 237 if type( pdb[0]) is str: 238 modName = T.stripFilename( pdb[0] ) 239 modName = self._getFreeModName( modName, 0 ) 240 241 else: 242 modName = self._getFreeModName( 'models', 0 ) 243 244 ## create new empty list 245 if not self.dic.has_key( modName ): 246 self.dic[ modName ] = [] 247 248 ## create model object for each file and append it to dic 249 for f in pdb: 250 251 ## create model from Structure or file name 252 model = PymolModel( f, modName ) 253 self.dic[ modName ].append( model ) 254 255 ## add load statement to Pymol script 256 self.add( 'load '+ model.fname + ',' + modName ) 257 258 return modName
259 260
261 - def addFrame( self, frame, modName ):
262 """ 263 Add file(s) or Structure(s) to an EXISTING model as movie. 264 265 @param frame: the structure to add to an existing model 266 @type frame: str(s) or PDBModel(s) 267 @param modName: model name, must be existing 268 (i.e. an already added model) 269 @type modName: str 270 """ 271 self.addMovie( frame, modName )
272 273
274 - def _getFreeModName( self, base, index ):
275 """ 276 Return next free model name in dictionary, made up 277 from base + index 278 279 @param base: name base 280 @type base: str 281 @param index: name suffix 282 @type index: int 283 284 @return: name composed of base+suffix 285 @rtype: str 286 """ 287 if self.dic.has_key( base ): 288 289 if self.dic.has_key( base + str(index) ): 290 291 return self._getFreeModName( base, index + 1 ) 292 293 else: 294 return base + str( index ) 295 296 else: 297 return base
298 299
300 - def addPdb( self, pdb, modName=None ):
301 """ 302 Add one or several existing pdbs. Make sure all go into 303 different models (have different model names). 304 305 @param pdb: file name or a list of file names OR 306 PDBModel or list of PDBModels 307 @type pdb: str or [str] OR PDBModel or [PDBModel] 308 309 @param modName: force model name, will change for list 310 of file names. If 'None' a model name will 311 be created from the source file name. 312 @type modName: str OR None 313 314 @return: model name of first file 315 @rtype: str 316 """ 317 318 if type( pdb ) is not list: 319 pdb = [pdb] 320 321 ## create one model for each file / Structure 322 for f in pdb: 323 result = self.addMovie( f, modName ) 324 325 return result
326 327
328 - def makeSel( self, selDic ):
329 """ 330 Make a selection. 331 332 @param selDic: a selection dictionary, that can be of three types: 333 1. dictionary with one or more of the keys: 334 'model' 'segment', 'chain', 'residue', 'atom' 335 2. dictionary with key: 'element' 336 3. dictionaty with key: 'expression' 337 @type selDic: dict 338 """ 339 ## the selection must comply with one of the three selection 340 ## schemes below 341 keyList = ['model', 'segment', 'chain', 'residue', 'atom', \ 342 'element', 'expression'] 343 344 # check for invalid selections 345 for sel in selDic.keys(): 346 if sel not in keyList: 347 print 'Invalid selection in ' + str(selDic) 348 349 # element 350 if selDic.has_key(keyList[5]): 351 selection = '( elem ' + str(selDic[keyList[5]]) + ' )' 352 353 # expression 354 elif selDic.has_key(keyList[6]): 355 selection = '( ' + str(selDic[keyList[6]]) + ' )' 356 357 # create selection from selDic 358 else: 359 for key in keyList: 360 if not selDic.has_key(key): 361 selDic[key]='' 362 selection = '( /' + str(selDic['model']) + \ 363 '/' + str(selDic['segment']) + \ 364 '/' + str(selDic['chain']) + \ 365 '/' + str(selDic['residue']) + \ 366 '/' + str(selDic['atom']) + ' )' 367 368 return selection
369 370
371 - def writeStructures( self ):
372 """ 373 Write all needed PDB files to disc. 374 """ 375 for key in self.dic.keys(): 376 377 for model in self.dic[ key ]: 378 379 n = model.writeIfNeeded() 380 381 if self.verbose: print n
382 383
384 - def addDeleteScript(self):
385 """ 386 Deletes the pymol script file from disc 387 """ 388 self.add( "/ import os" ) 389 self.add("/ os.system('rm " + self.foutName+ "')")
390 391
392 - def addDeletePdbs(self):
393 """ 394 Deletes the pdb-files in the list from disc 395 """ 396 self.add( "/ import os" ) 397 for key in self.dic.keys(): 398 399 for model in self.dic[ key ]: 400 ## only remove files created by PymolInput! 401 if model.temporary: 402 self.add( "/ os.system('rm " + model.fname + "')" )
403 404
405 - def setAtomValues( self, model, values, key='temperature_factor', 406 lastOnly=0 ):
407 """ 408 Add numeric value to all atoms of all Structures or the last 409 Structure in a model.. The values will be written to either 410 the B- (temperature_factor) or Q-factor 'occupancy' column in 411 the temporary pdb-file. 412 These values can then be used to display properties in PyMol 413 via commands like 'color_b' and 'color_q'. See also 414 L{setResValues}. 415 416 @param model: model name 417 @type model: str 418 @param values: list of numbers, len( values ) == number of atoms 419 @type values: [float] 420 @param key: key for dictionary 421 (default: temperature_factor) 422 @type key: occupancy|temperature_factor 423 @param lastOnly: 0 - add to all in model OR 424 1 - add only to last Structure (default: 0) 425 @type lastOnly: 1|0 426 """ 427 if lastOnly: 428 self.dic[ model ][-1].addProperty( values, key ) 429 430 else: 431 for m in self.dic[ model ]: 432 try: 433 m.addProperty( values, key ) 434 except: 435 T.errWriteln( "Warning: error while adding properties.") 436 T.errWriteln( "Key: "+str( key )+" values: "+str( values ) ) 437 T.errWriteln( T.lastError() )
438 439
440 - def setResValues( self, model, values, key='temperature_factor', 441 lastOnly=0 ):
442 """ 443 Add numeric value per residue to all atoms of all Structures 444 or the last Structure in a model. The values will be written to 445 either the B- (temperature_factor) or Q-factor 'occupancy' column 446 in the temporary pdb-file. 447 These values can then be used to display properties in PyMol 448 via commands like 'color_b' and 'color_q'. See also 449 L{setAtomValues}. 450 451 @param model: model name 452 @type model: str 453 @param values: list of numbers, len( values ) == number of residues 454 @type values: [float] 455 @param key: key for dictionary 456 (default: temperature_factor) 457 @type key: occupancy|temperature_factor 458 @param lastOnly: 0 - add to all in model OR 459 1 - add only to last Structure (default: 0) 460 @type lastOnly: 1|0 461 """ 462 if lastOnly: 463 self.dic[ model ][-1].addResProperty( values, key ) 464 465 else: 466 for m in self.dic[ model ]: 467 try: 468 m.addResProperty( values, key ) 469 except: 470 T.errWriteln( "Warning: error while adding properties.") 471 T.errWriteln( "Key: "+str( key )+" values: "+str( values ) ) 472 T.errWriteln( T.lastError() )
473 474
475 - def colorAtoms( self, model, values, lastOnly=0 ):
476 """ 477 Color atoms of this model by list of values. 478 479 @param model: model name 480 @type model: str 481 @param values: len == number of atoms 482 @type values: [float] 483 @param lastOnly: 0 - add to all in model OR 484 1 - add only to last Structure (default: 0) 485 @type lastOnly: 1|0 486 """ 487 self.setAtomValues( model, values, lastOnly=lastOnly ) 488 self.add( "color_b('%s')" % model )
489 490
491 - def colorRes( self, model, values, lastOnly=0 ):
492 """ 493 Color residues of this model by list of values. 494 495 @param model: model name 496 @type model: str 497 @param values: len == number of residues 498 @type values: list of numbers 499 @param lastOnly: 0 .. add to all in model 500 1 .. add only to last Structure 501 @type lastOnly: 502 """ 503 self.setResValues( model, values, lastOnly=lastOnly ) 504 self.add( "color_b('%s')" % model )
505 506 507
508 - def addColors( self, nColors, firstColor=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], 509 lastColor=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0] ):
510 """ 511 Define a range of colors that can be called in PyMol by name. 512 513 @param nColors: numbers of colors generated 514 @type nColors: int 515 @param firstColor: first rgb color (default: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) 516 @type firstColor: [float] 517 @param lastColor: last rgb color (default: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) 518 @type lastColor: [float] 519 @return: a list of the color names 520 @rtype: [str] 521 """ 522 spectrum = T.hexColors( nColors, T.rgb2hex( firstColor ), 523 T.rgb2hex( lastColor ) ) 524 rgb = [] 525 colorNames = [] 526 527 for c in range(0, nColors): 528 rgb = [ float( spectrum[c][:4] ) / 255, \ 529 float( '0x' + spectrum[c][4:6] ) / 255, \ 530 float( '0x' + spectrum[c][6:] ) / 255 ] 531 532 cName = 'c' + str(c) 533 colorNames += cName 534 535 self.add( 'set_color '+ cName + ', ' + str(rgb) ) 536 537 return colorNames
538 539
540 - def initPymol( self ):
541 """ 542 Do some stuff always first... 543 """ 544 ## import dssp command and other commands 545 if os.path.isdir( settings.pymol_scripts ): 546 for script in os.listdir( settings.pymol_scripts ): 547 if not os.path.isdir( script ): 548 self.add( 'run ' + settings.pymol_scripts + script ) 549 if self.verbose: 550 print 'Adding %s script as a PyMol command'%script 551 else: 552 print '\n\nWARNING: No external PyMol scripts added\n\n'
553 554 555 ## # MAKE default SELECTIONS 556 ## self.add('select bb, ' + self.makeSel({'expression':'*/c,ca,o,n'} )) 557 ## self.add('select sc, ' +\ 558 ## self.makeSel({'expression':'!(*/c,o,ca,n) and !element h'})) 559 ## self.add('select none') 560 561
562 - def prepare( self, cleanUp=1 ):
563 """ 564 Overrides Executor method. 565 """ 566 # clean up files from disc 567 if cleanUp: 568 self.addDeletePdbs() 569 self.addDeleteScript() 570 571 self.flush() 572 573 ## Write PDB's to disc if needed 574 self.writeStructures()
575 576
577 - def show( self ):
578 """ 579 Backward compatability with old scripts. 580 """ 581
582 583 584 ############# 585 ## TESTING 586 ############# 587
588 -class Test:
589 """ 590 Test class 591 """ 592
593 - def run( self, local=0 ):
594 """ 595 run function test 596 597 @param local: transfer local variables to global and perform 598 other tasks only when run locally 599 @type local: 1|0 600 601 @return: 1 602 @rtype: int 603 """ 604 traj = T.Load( T.testRoot() + '/lig_pcr_00/traj.dat' ) 605 606 pm = Pymoler( full=0, verbose=local ) 607 608 mname = pm.addMovie( [ traj[i] for i in range(0,100,20) ] ) 609 610 sel = pm.makeSel({'residue':29}) 611 pm.add('show stick, %s'%sel) 612 613 pm.add('mplay') 614 615 if local: 616 globals().update( locals() ) 617 else: 618 pm.add('quit') 619 620 ## old style call "" also works 621 622 return 1
623 624
625 - def expected_result( self ):
626 """ 627 Precalculated result to check for consistent performance. 628 629 @return: 1 630 @rtype: int 631 """ 632 return 1
633 634 635 if __name__ == '__main__': 636 637 test = Test() 638 639 assert local=1 ) == test.expected_result() 640