Package Biskit :: Package PVM :: Module dispatcher :: Class JobSlave
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Class JobSlave

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Instance Methods [hide private]
  initialize(self, params)
Automatically invoked by parent after slave's message-loop is up.
  go(self, *args, **kw)
Must be overridden in order to do the actual work.
  __go(self, *args, **kw)
Startup tasks.

Inherited from PVMThread.PVMMasterSlave: exit, getInitParameters, initializationDone, messageLoopIsUp, spawn, startMessageLoop

Inherited from PVMThread.PVMThread: bind, getBindings, getMessageLoopDelay, getParent, getPingTimeout, getTID, getTasks, isStopped, log, messageLoopIsStopped, nicknameFromTID, ping, post, post_execute_method, post_message_received, post_message_sent, rm_log, run, send, sendToAll, send_primitive, setMessageLoopDelay, setPingTimeout, stop, stopMessageLoop, unbind

Inherited from PVMThread.PVMThread (private): _ping

Inherited from threading.Thread: __repr__, getName, isAlive, isDaemon, join, setDaemon, setName

Inherited from threading.Thread (private): _set_daemon

Inherited from threading._Verbose (private): _note

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Overrides: PVMThread.PVMMasterSlave.__init__


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Overrides: threading.Thread.start


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initialize(self, params)

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Automatically invoked by parent after slave's message-loop is up. Override to use.
Overrides: PVMThread.PVMMasterSlave.initialize

go(self, *args, **kw)

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Must be overridden in order to do the actual work. Result should be returned. Default tasks are defined in __go.
  • args ((any)) - arguments
  • kw ({key:value}) - dictionary with key=value pairs

__go(self, *args, **kw)

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Startup tasks.
  • args ((any)) - arguments
  • kw ({key:value}) - dictionary with key=value pairs