Biskit :: MatrixPlot :: MatrixPlot :: Class MatrixPlot
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[frames] | no frames]

Class MatrixPlot

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Class to plot the values of a matix, the rows and the columns will be plotted along the x- and y-axis, respectively. The value of each cell will be illutrated using the selected color range.

Instance Methods [hide private]
biggles.FramedPlot __init__(self, matrix, mesh=0, palette="plasma", legend=0)
Returns biggles plot object, view with or save with biggles.FramedPlot.write_eps(file_name).
biggles.Inset __make_legend(self)
Create and position the legend.

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, matrix, mesh=0, palette="plasma", legend=0)

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  • matrix (array) - the 2-D array to plot
  • mesh (1|0) - create a plot with a dotted mesh
  • palette (str) - color palette name see Biskit.ColorSpectrum
  • legend (1|0) - create a legend (scale) showing the walues of the different colors in the plot.
Returns: biggles.FramedPlot
biggles plot object, view with or save with biggles.FramedPlot.write_eps(file_name).


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Create and position the legend.
Returns: biggles.Inset
biggles legend object