Biskit :: Dock :: Docker :: Docker :: Class Docker
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Class Docker

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Prepare and run a hex docking for one or several models of a receptor and ligand pair. Collect docking results into a growing ComplexList.

The docking runs are started in seperate Threads. External objects can register a method with call_when_done() that is called whenever a docking has finished. The waitForLastHex() method can be called to wait until all currently running dockings are finished.

The models in the 2 given dictionaries might get different chainIds but Docker doesn't save them.

To Do: implement that as JobMaster / JobSlave instead, so that also the Hex-file parsing is distributed.

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, recDic, ligDic, recPdb=None, ligPdb=None, comPdb=None, out='hex_%s', soln=512, recChainId=None, ligChainId=None, macDock=None, bin=settings.hex_bin, verbose=1)
str prepareOutFolder(self, fout)
Setup an output folder
PDBModel __setChainID(self, m, ids)
set chaiID for Hex pdb files
dict prepareHexPdbs(self, modelDic, idList, subDir)
create HEX-formatted PDB for each model
(str, str) createHexInp(self, nRec, nLig)
Create a HEX macro file for docking a rec lig pair.
  runHex(self, finp, log=0, ncpu=2, nice=0, host=os.uname() [1])
  countDifferentModels(self, lst)
  doneHex(self, runner)
Do something after hex has finished.
  failedHex(self, runner)
notify of failed hex run.
Return after the last hex thread has finished.

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, recDic, ligDic, recPdb=None, ligPdb=None, comPdb=None, out='hex_%s', soln=512, recChainId=None, ligChainId=None, macDock=None, bin=settings.hex_bin, verbose=1)

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  • recDic (dict) - receptor dictionary
  • ligDic (dict) - ligand dictionary
  • recPdb (str) - hex-formatted PDB with rec models
  • ligPdb (str) - hex-formatted PDB with lig models
  • comPdb (str) - hex-formatted PDB with com models
  • soln (int) - number of solutions to keep from HEX (default 512)
  • recChainId ([str]) - force chain IDs only for HEX
  • ligChainId ([str]) - force chain IDs only for HEX
  • out (str) - out folder name, will be formatted against date
  • macDock (1|0) - force macro docking ON or OFF (default: size decides)
  • bin (str) - path to HEX binary
  • verbose (1|0) - verbosity level (default: 1)

prepareOutFolder(self, fout)

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Setup an output folder
  • fout (str) - outfile name
Returns: str
out path

__setChainID(self, m, ids)

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set chaiID for Hex pdb files
  • m (PDBModel) - model
  • ids ([str]) - chain id, len(ids) == m.lenChains
Returns: PDBModel
m is changed directly

prepareHexPdbs(self, modelDic, idList, subDir)

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create HEX-formatted PDB for each model
  • modelDic (dict) - model dictionary to be prepared for HEX
  • idList ([str]) - force chain IDs for HEX pdb files
  • subDir (str) - 'rec' or 'lig'
Returns: dict
{ modelNumber : file_name_created, .. }

createHexInp(self, nRec, nLig)

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Create a HEX macro file for docking a rec lig pair.
  • nRec (int) - model number rec in model dictionaries
  • nLig (int) - model number lig in model dictionaries
Returns: (str, str)
macro file name, future out file name
  • DockerError - if macro dock option is different from previous call

runHex(self, finp, log=0, ncpu=2, nice=0, host=os.uname() [1])

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  • finp (str) - hex macro file
  • log (1|0) - write log file
  • ncpu (int) - number of cpus to use
  • nice (int) - nice value for HEX job (default: 0)
  • host (str) - host to run jon on

countDifferentModels(self, lst)

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doneHex(self, runner)

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Do something after hex has finished. Notify all threads waiting on self.lockMsg

failedHex(self, runner)

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notify of failed hex run.


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Return after the last hex thread has finished.


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