Biskit :: BisList :: BisList :: Class BisList
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Class BisList

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An *abstract* base class that lays out the basic interface for
collections of dictionary-like objects. To the outside, it behaves
like a list, albeit one with a second dimension addressed by
'keys'. You could think of BisList as a kind of two-dimensional
array or a dictionary of lists. However, no assumptions are yet
made as to the internal data structure. BisList provides uniform
methods for sorting, filtering, extraction and combination of
sub-lists (take, compress), and plotting.

Classes derived from BisList have to override several
methods to be functional (a NotImplementedError is raised otherwise):

  * getValue, extend, append, take, keys,
  * __len__, __setitem__, __getslice__

The latter 3 are not yet defined in BisList (no
NotImplementedError) but are nevertheless required. They can also
be provided from the python built-in list type via multiple
inheritence (see L{Biskit.DictList}, for an example).

That means there are two ways of implementing BisList.
  1. via multiple inheritence from BisList (first!) and list
     -> only L{getValue}, L{extend}, L{append} and L{take} need to be
  2. inheritence from BisList only
     -> the __xxx__ methods have to be implemented, too.

See L{DictList} for an example of strategy 1.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Override but call.
str version(self)
Returns CVS version of this class (see also attribute initVersion)
any getValue(self, i, key, default=None)
Get the value of a dictionary entry of a list item.
any __add__(c, other)
c + other
any __iadd__(c, other)
c += other
  extend(self, other)
Add all items of other to (the end of) this instance.
  append(self, v)
Append a single item to the end of this list.
[ any ] keys(self)
Returns attribute keys used by the current items.
[ int ] argsort(self, sortKey, cmpfunc=cmp)
Sort by values of a certain item attribute.
instance take(self, indices, deepcopy=0)
Extract certain items in a certain order.
instance compress(self, mask, deepcopy=0)
Extract certain items.
instance sortBy(self, sortKey, cmpfunc=cmp)
list valuesOf(self, key, default=None, indices=None, unique=0)
Get all values assigned to a certain key of all or some items.
array filterRange(self, key, vLow, vHigh)
Get indices of items where vLow <= item[ key ] <= vHigh.
array filterEqual(self, key, lst)
Get indices of items for which item[ key ] in lst.
array filterFunct(self, f)
Get indices of items for which f( item ) == 1.
instance filter(self, key, cond)
Extract items matching condition.
int argmax(self, key)
Returns index of item with highest item[key] value
float max(self, key)
Returns item with highest item[key] value
int argmin(self, key)
Returns index of item with lowest item[infokey] value
float min(self, key)
Returns item with lowest item[key] value
int getIndex(self, key, value)
Returns position of item for which item[key] == value
any getItem(self, key, value)
Returns item for which item[key] == value
dict toDict(self, key)
Convert collection into dict indexed by the value of a certain item attribute.
[ item ] toList(self)
Returns simple python list of items
(l1, l2) __maskNone(self, l1, l2)
Take out positions from l1 and l2 that are None in either of them.
Biggles.FramedPlot plot(self, xkey, *ykey, **arg)
Plot pairs of item values.
Biggles.FramedArray plotArray(self, xkey, *ykey, **arg)
Plot pairs of item values.

Method Details [hide private]


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Override but call.


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Returns: str
CVS version of this class (see also attribute initVersion)

getValue(self, i, key, default=None)

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Get the value of a dictionary entry of a list item. Override!
  • i (int) - position in collection
  • key (any) - attribute key
  • default (any) - return value if key is not found [None]
Returns: any

__add__(c, other)
(Addition operator)

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c + other
  • other (instance) - other instance
Returns: any
new instance with one collection appended to the other

__iadd__(c, other)

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c += other
  • other (instance) - other instance
Returns: any
this instance with other appended

extend(self, other)

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Add all items of other to (the end of) this instance. Override!
  • other (instance) - other instance

append(self, v)

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Append a single item to the end of this list. Override!
  • v (any) - any (left to the implementing class)


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Returns: [ any ]
attribute keys used by the current items.

argsort(self, sortKey, cmpfunc=cmp)

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Sort by values of a certain item attribute.
  • sortKey (any) - attribute key
  • cmpfunc (function) - used for comparing values; cmpfunc(v1,v2) -> -1,0,1 [built-in cmp]
Returns: [ int ]
indices after sorting (the collection itself is not sorted)

take(self, indices, deepcopy=0)

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Extract certain items in a certain order. Override!
  • indices ([ int ]) - positions
  • deepcopy (0|1) - deepcopy items (default: 0)
Returns: instance
new instance (or sub-class) with specified items

compress(self, mask, deepcopy=0)

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Extract certain items.
  • mask ([ 1|0 ]) - mask of positions; len( mask ) == len( self )
  • deepcopy (1|0) - deepcopy items (default: 0)
Returns: instance
new instance (or sub-class) with specified items

sortBy(self, sortKey, cmpfunc=cmp)

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 sortBy( sortKey ) -> new instance sorted by item[ sortKey ]
  • sortKey (any) - key for item attribute
  • cmpfunc (function) - comparison function
Returns: instance
new instance (or sub-class) sorted by item

valuesOf(self, key, default=None, indices=None, unique=0)

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Get all values assigned to a certain key of all or some items. If unique==0, the result is guaranteed to have the same length as the collection (or the list of given indices). Missing values are replaced by default (None).
  • key (any) - key for item attribute
  • default (any) - default value if key is not found (default: None)
  • indices (list of int OR None) - indices defining a subset of this list (default: None)
  • unique (1|0) - report each value only once (set union), (default 0)
Returns: list
list of values

filterRange(self, key, vLow, vHigh)

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Get indices of items where vLow <= item[ key ] <= vHigh.
  • key (any) - item attribute
  • vLow (any) - lower bound
  • vHigh (any) - upper bound
Returns: array
array of int

filterEqual(self, key, lst)

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Get indices of items for which item[ key ] in lst.
  • key (any) - item attribute
  • lst (list) - [ any ], list of allowed values
Returns: array
array of int

filterFunct(self, f)

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Get indices of items for which f( item ) == 1.
  • f (function) - f must take a single item as argument and return 1 or 0
Returns: array
array of int

filter(self, key, cond)

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Extract items matching condition.
  • key (any) - item attribute (not used if cond is function )
  • cond (any) - conditon:
                - (vLow, vHigh) -> vLow <= item[ key ] <= vHigh
                - list          -> item[ key ] in cond
                - function      -> cond( c ) == 1
Returns: instance
new instance (or sub-class)

argmax(self, key)

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  • key (any) - item attribute
Returns: int
index of item with highest item[key] value

max(self, key)

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  • key (any) - item attribute
Returns: float
item with highest item[key] value

argmin(self, key)

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  • key (any) - item attribute
Returns: int
index of item with lowest item[infokey] value

min(self, key)

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  • key (any) - item attribute
Returns: float
item with lowest item[key] value

getIndex(self, key, value)

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  • key (any) - item attribute
  • value (any) - item value
Returns: int
position of item for which item[key] == value
  • AmbiguousMatch - ItemNotFound, if there are more or less than 1 matches

getItem(self, key, value)

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  • key (any) - item attribute
  • value (any) - item value
Returns: any
item for which item[key] == value
  • AmbiguousMatch - ItemNotFound, if there are more or less than 1 matches

toDict(self, key)

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Convert collection into dict indexed by the value of a certain item attribute. If several items have the same value, the result will have a list registered for this key.

EXAMPLE: lst.toDict('soln') {soln1:Item, soln3:Item, solnN:Item}
  • key (any) - item attribute
Returns: dict
{ info1:dict, info2:dict, info3:[dict, dict].. }


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Returns: [ item ]
simple python list of items

__maskNone(self, l1, l2)

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Take out positions from l1 and l2 that are None in either of them.
  • l1 (list) - first list
  • l2 (list) - second list
Returns: (l1, l2)
modified lists

plot(self, xkey, *ykey, **arg)

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Plot pairs of item values. The additional arg arguments are handed over to biggles.Points(). The special xkey value 'index' uses the position of each item as x-axis. If only one key is given, it is taken as ykey and the x-axis is the index of each item (xkey='index').

EXAMPLE: plot( xkey, [ykey1, ykey2..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) -> biggles.FramedPlot
  • xkey (any) - key for x-values
  • ykey (any) - key for y-values
  • arg (any) - arguments handed over to biggles.Points()
Returns: Biggles.FramedPlot
Biggles.FramedPlot, display with show() !

plotArray(self, xkey, *ykey, **arg)

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Plot pairs of item values.

EXAMPLE: plot( xkey, [ykey1, ykey2..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) -> biggles.FramedPlot
  • xkey (any) - key for x-values
  • ykey (any) - key for y-values
  • arg (any) - arguments handed over to biggles.Points()
Returns: Biggles.FramedArray
Biggles.FramedArray, display with show()