Package Biskit :: Module AmberEntropyMaster
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Source Code for Module Biskit.AmberEntropyMaster

  1  ## Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Mar 26, 2007 by 
  3  ## 
  4  ## Biskit, a toolkit for the manipulation of macromolecular structures 
  5  ## Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Raik Gruenberg & Johan Leckner 
  6  ## 
  7  ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  8  ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
  9  ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
 10  ## License, or any later version. 
 11  ## 
 12  ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 13  ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 15  ## General Public License for more details. 
 16  ## 
 17  ## You find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file 
 18  ## license.txt along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
 19  ## Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
 20  ## 
 21  ## 
 22  ## $Revision: 2.7 $ 
 23  ## last $Date: 2007/03/26 18:40:40 $ 
 24  ## last $Author: graik $ 
 25  """ 
 26  Parallellized AmberEntropist calculation. 
 27  """ 
 29  import os.path, copy 
 30  import numpy.oldnumeric as N 
 32  import as T 
 33  import Biskit.settings as settings 
 34  import Biskit.mathUtils as MU 
 36  from Biskit.PVM.TrackingJobMaster import TrackingJobMaster 
 37  from Biskit.hosts import cpus_all, nice_dic 
 38  from Biskit import PDBModel, PDBProfiles, EHandler, StdLog 
 40  from Biskit.Dock import Complex 
 42  slave_path = T.projectRoot()+"/Biskit/" 
44 -class AmberEntropyMaster(TrackingJobMaster):
45 """ 46 Run many AmberEntropist calculations on many nodes. The Master has 47 a standard set of 13 protocols to run on rec, lig, and com 48 trajectories, as well as on every single member trajectory - in 49 total 113. It accepts one variable parameter, e.g. s(tart). Each 50 protocol is then run for all values of the variable parameter. A 51 protocol is simply a set of options that are passed on to the 52 AmberEntropist (which is run from within AmberEntropySlave). 53 Comparing the different protocols allows to more or less separate 54 random from real correlations, rigid body from intermolecular 55 vibrations, etc. 56 57 Results are put into a tree-shaped dictionary of dictionaries. The 58 first dimension/key is the member index -- None for the complete 59 ensemble trajectory, 0 for the first member, etc. The second 60 dimension/key is the name of the protocol, e.g. 'com_split' for 61 the complex trajectory with seperately fitted receptor and 62 ligand. The last dimension contains the different values obtained 63 from the ptraj run, e.g. 'S_total' points to the total entropy in 64 cal/mol/K, 'contributions' to the entropy contribution of each 65 mode, 'T' to the assumed temperature, 'vibes' gives the number of 66 vibrations with too low frequencies (according to ptraj). All these 67 are lists of values - one for each value of the variable option. 68 69 Example:: 70 * r[None]['fcom']['S_vibes'][0] -> float 71 first vibr. Entropy of free fake complex for complete ensemble 72 * r[0]['com']['S_total'] -> [ float, float, .. ] 73 the total entropies of the complex calculated for the first 74 ensemble member and the different values of the variable option 75 """ 76
77 - def __init__(self, rec=None, lig=None, com=None, out=None, 78 cr=None, var='s', vrange=[0], jack=0, 79 zfilter=None, clean=0, all=1, 80 exrec=[], exlig=[], excom=[], 81 hosts=cpus_all, 82 niceness=nice_dic, 83 w=0, a=1, debug=0, 84 restart=0, 85 **kw ):
86 """ 87 @param rec: free rec trajectory [required] 88 @type rec: str 89 @param lig: free lig trajectory [required] 90 @type lig: str 91 @param com: complex trajectory [required] 92 @type com: str 93 @param out: file name for pickled result [required] 94 @type out: str 95 @param cr: chains of receptor in complex trajectory [n_chains rec] 96 @type cr: [int] 97 98 @param var: name of variable option [ s ] 99 @type var: str 100 @param vrange: set of values used for variable option 101 OR 'start:stop:step', string convertable to 102 range() input 103 @type vrange: [any] 104 @param jack: set up leave-one-trajectory-out jackknife test 105 (default: 0) (replaces var with 'ex1' and vrange with 106 range(1,n_members+1)) 107 @type jack: [0|1] 108 109 @param zfilter: kick out outlyer trajectories using z-score threshold 110 on RMSD trace (default: None->don't) 111 @type zfilter: float 112 @param clean: remove pickled ref models and member trajectories 113 (default: 0) 114 @type clean: 0|1 115 @param all: skip single member trajs (default: 1) 116 @type all: 0|1 117 118 @param exrec: exclude certain members of receptor ensemble [[]] 119 @type exrec: [int] 120 @param exlig: exclude certain members of ligand ensemble [[]] 121 @type exlig: [int] 122 @param excom: exclude certain members of complex ensemble [[]] 123 @type excom: [int] 124 125 @param hosts: nodes to be used (default: all known) 126 @type hosts: [str] 127 @param debug: don't delete output files (default: 0) 128 @type debug: 1|0 129 130 131 @param kw: additional key=value parameters for AmberEntropist, 132 AmberCrdEntropist, Executor and Master. 133 @type kw: key=value pairs 134 :: 135 ... parameters for AmberEntropist 136 cast - 1|0, equalize free and bound atom content [1] 137 s,e - int, start and stop frame [0, to end] 138 atoms - [ str ], names of atoms to consider [all] 139 step - int, frame offset [no offset] 140 thin - float, use randomly distributed fraction of frames [all] 141 (similar to step but perhaps better for entropy 142 calculations) 143 ex - [int] OR ([int],[int]), exclude member trajectories [[]] 144 ex_n - int, exclude last n members OR... [None] 145 ex3 - int, exclude |ex3|rd tripple of trajectories [0] 146 (index starts with 1! 0 to exclude nothing) 147 148 ... parameters for AmberCrdEntropist 149 f_template - str, alternative ptraj input template [default] 150 151 ... parameters for Executor: 152 log - Biskit.LogFile, program log (None->STOUT) [None] 153 verbose - 0|1, print progress messages to log [log != STDOUT] 154 155 ... parameters for Master 156 w - 0|1, show X window for each slave [0] 157 a - 0|1, add hosts to PVM [1] 158 """ 159 ## normal and error output 160 self.fout = T.absfile( out ) 161 self.ferror = os.path.dirname(self.fout) +'/AmberEntropy_errors.log' 162 self.debug = debug 163 164 self.log = StdLog() 165 166 ## input files and variable option 167 self.rec = T.absfile( rec, 0 ) 168 self.lig = T.absfile( lig, 0 ) 169 = T.absfile( com, 0 ) 170 = cr 171 = None 172 self.var = var 173 self.vrange = self.__vrange( vrange ) 174 self.jack = jack 175 self.zfilter = zfilter 176 self.n_members = None 177 self.clean = clean 178 self.all = all 179 180 ## members to exclude, outliers will be added if zfilter != None 181 self.ex_frec = exrec 182 self.ex_flig = exlig 183 self.ex_com = excom 184 185 ## reserve for loaded reference models 186 self.ref_frec = self.ref_flig = None 187 self.ref_brec = self.ref_blig = self.ref_com = None 188 189 ## reserve for extracted member trajectories 190 self.members_frec = self.members_flig = [] 191 self.members_brec = self.members_blig = [] 192 193 ## options to be passed on to AmberEntropist 194 self.options = kw 195 196 if not restart: 197 ## Load trajectories, dump references, identify outliers 198 self.processTrajs() 199 200 ## prepare dict of protocols for AmberEntropist 201 self.protocols = self.protocols_var_range( **kw ) 202 self.saveProtocols() 203 204 TrackingJobMaster.__init__(self, self.protocols, 205 chunk_size=1, 206 hosts=hosts, 207 niceness=niceness, 208 slave_script=slave_path, 209 show_output=w, 210 add_hosts=a) 211 212 print "JobMaster initialized."
213 214
215 - def __vrange( self, v ):
216 """ 217 Interprete the vrange option -> [ int ] or [ float ] 218 219 @param v: vrange option 220 @type v: lst OR str 221 222 @return: range option 223 @rtype: [int] OR [float] 224 """ 225 if type( v ) is list: 226 return [ self.__float_int(x) for x in v ] 227 if type( v ) is str and ':' in v: 228 v = tuple( [ self.__float_int(x) for x in v.split(':') ] ) 229 return N.arange( *v ) 230 231 return self.__float_int( v )
232 233
234 - def __float_int( self, v ):
235 """ 236 Convert v to int or, if necessary, float 237 238 @param v: value 239 @type v: any 240 241 @return: converted value 242 @rtype: int OR float 243 """ 244 if float(v) % 1. != 0: 245 return float( v ) 246 return int( float(v) )
247 248
249 - def loadTraj( self, fname, outliers=[], refname=None ):
250 """ 251 Load trajectory from file. 252 253 @param fname: path to trajectory 254 @type fname: str 255 @param outliers: Identify outlier trajectories (default: [], identify) 256 @type outliers: [int] OR [] 257 @param refname: name of reference (efault: None) 258 @type refname: str 259 260 @return: t, outliers, members 261 @rtype: trajectoty, [int], [int] 262 """ 263 self.log.add('Loading ' + fname ) 264 t = T.Load( fname ) 265 266 t.ref.addChainId() 267 t = t.compressAtoms( t.ref.maskProtein() ) 268 269 outliers = self.getOutliers( t, outliers ) 270 271 if refname: 272 self.dumpMissing( t.ref, refname ) 273 274 members = None 275 if not self.all: 276 members = self.dumpMembers( t, self.rec ) 277 278 return t, outliers, members
279 280
281 - def processTrajs( self ):
282 """ 283 Extract reference model and member trajectories from rec, lig, and 284 com trajectories. Identify outlier member trajectories, if requested. 285 """ 286 ## free rec 287 self.ref_frec = self.nameRef( self.rec ) 288 289 t, self.ex_frec, self.members_frec = self.loadTraj( 290 self.rec, self.ex_frec, self.ref_frec ) 291 292 n_rec_members = t.n_members 293 = or range( t.ref.lenChains( breaks=0 ) ) 294 del t 295 296 ## free lig 297 self.ref_flig = self.nameRef( self.lig ) 298 299 t, self.ex_flig, self.members_flig = self.loadTraj( 300 self.lig, self.ex_flig, self.ref_flig ) 301 302 n_lig_members = t.n_members 303 del t 304 305 ## complex 306 fname = T.stripSuffix( T.absfile(, resolveLinks=0 ) ) 307 self.ref_com = fname + '_ref.complex' 308 self.ref_blig= fname + '_blig.model' 309 self.ref_brec= fname + '_brec.model' 310 311 t, self.ex_com, self.members_com = self.loadTraj( 312, self.ex_com ) 313 314 n_com_members = t.n_members 315 316 = or MU.difference( range(t.ref.lenChains()), 317 rec = t.ref.takeChains(, breaks=0 ) 318 lig = t.ref.takeChains(, breaks=0 ) 319 320 del t 321 self.dumpMissing( Complex( rec, lig ), self.ref_com ) 322 self.dumpMissing( rec, self.ref_brec ) 323 self.dumpMissing( lig, self.ref_blig ) 324 325 self.equalizeMemberCount( n_rec_members, n_lig_members, n_com_members ) 326 327 if self.jack: self.prepareJackknife()
328 329
330 - def equalizeMemberCount( self, n_rec, n_lig, n_com ):
331 """ 332 Ensure we keep equal number of members trajectories from frec, 333 flig, and com. 334 335 @param n_rec: number of receptor trajectories 336 @type n_rec: int 337 @param n_lig: number of ligand trajectories 338 @type n_lig: int 339 @param n_com: number of complex trajectories 340 @type n_com: int 341 """ 342 ex = [ self.ex_frec, self.ex_flig, self.ex_com ] 343 n_members = [ n_rec, n_lig, n_com ] 344 345 ## pair list of excluded members with number of remaining members 346 ex = [ ( ex[i], n_members[i] - len(ex[i]) ) for i in range(3) ] 347 348 ## lowest number of members after exclusion 349 n_min = min( [ x[1] for x in ex ] ) 350 351 self.log.add('excluding non-outliers to match member count: ') 352 353 label = ['com','lig','rec'] 354 355 for x, n in ex: 356 i = 0 357 s = label.pop() 358 359 while n > n_min: 360 self.log.add_nobreak( '%s: ' % s ) 361 if not i in x: 362 x.append( i ) 363 n -= 1 364 self.log.add_nobreak('%i, ' % i ) 365 i += 1 366 367 self.log.add('') 368 369 self.n_members = n_min
370 371
372 - def prepareJackknife( self ):
373 """ 374 Prepare leave-one-trajectory-out jackknife test. 375 """ 376 self.vrange = range( self.n_members + 1 ) ## 0: exclude nothing 377 self.var = 'ex1'
378 379
380 - def nameRef( self, fname ):
381 fname = T.stripSuffix( T.absfile( fname, resolveLinks=0 ) ) 382 return fname + '_ref.model'
383 384
385 - def nameRefCom( self, fname ):
386 fname = T.stripSuffix( T.absfile( fname, resolveLinks=0 ) ) 387 return fname + '_ref.complex'
388 389
390 - def dumpMissing( self, o, fname ):
391 """ 392 Pickle *o* to path *fname*, if it is not already there. 393 394 @param o: object to dump 395 @type o: any 396 @param fname: file name 397 @type fname: str 398 399 @return: file name 400 @rtype: str 401 """ 402 if os.path.exists( fname ): 403 self.log.add('using existing ' + fname ) 404 else: 405 self.log.add('Saving ' + fname ) 406 T.Dump( o, fname ) 407 408 return fname
409 410
411 - def getOutliers( self, traj, outlaws=[] ):
412 """ 413 Identify member trajectories that haved moved much further than normal. 414 415 @param traj: Trajectory to analyze 416 @type traj: Trajectory 417 @param outlaws: members already marked for exclusion 418 @type outlaws: [int] 419 420 @return: member indices of outlyer trajectories (plus outlaws) 421 @rtype: [int] 422 """ 423 if not self.zfilter: 424 return outlaws 425 426 outliers = N.nonzero( traj.outliers( z=self.zfilter, 427 mask=traj.ref.maskCA(), step=10) ) 428 self.log.add('identified %i outliers with z-threshold %3.1f' %\ 429 ( len(outliers), self.zfilter ) ) 430 431 return MU.union( outliers, outlaws )
432 433
434 - def dumpMembers( self, traj, fname ):
435 """ 436 Dump ensemble member trajectories 437 438 @param traj: Trajectory to dump 439 @type traj: Trajectory 440 @param fname: trajectory file name - used to derrive name for members 441 @type fname: str' 442 443 @return: list of trajectory files 444 @rtype: [str] 445 """ 446 fname = T.stripSuffix( T.absfile( fname, resolveLinks=0 ) ) 447 members = range( traj.n_members ) 448 449 r = [] 450 for n in members: 451 f = fname + '_member_%02i.traj' % n 452 if os.path.exists( f ): 453 self.log.add('using existing ' + f ) 454 else: 455 self.log.add_nobreak('saving ' + f + '...') 456 m = traj.takeMember( n ) 457 T.Dump( m, f ) 458 self.log.add('done') 459 r += [ f ] 460 461 return r
462 463
464 - def getInitParameters(self, slave_tid):
465 """ 466 hand over parameters to slave once. 467 468 @param slave_tid: slave task id 469 @type slave_tid: int 470 471 @return: dictionary with init parameters 472 @rtype: {param:value} 473 """ 474 host = self.hostnameFromTID( slave_tid ) 475 nice = self.niceness.get( host, self.niceness.get('default',0) ) 476 477 return {'ferror':self.ferror, 478 'debug':self.debug, 'nice':nice, 'host':host}
479 480
481 - def cleanup( self ):
482 """ 483 Tidy up 484 """ 485 if self.clean: 486 self.cleanCache()
488 - def cleanCache( self ):
489 """ 490 Remove left-over cache files 491 """ 492 fs = [ self.ref_frec, self.ref_flig, self.ref_com, self.ref_brec, 493 self.ref_blig ] 494 fs.extend( self.members_frec + self.members_flig ) 495 fs.extend( self.members_brec + self.members_blig ) 496 fs.extend( self.members_com ) 497 498 for f in fs: 499 self.log.add('removing %s: %i' % (f, T.tryRemove(f)) )
500 501
502 - def saveProtocols( self ):
503 """ 504 Save protocol to file. 505 """ 506 f_prot = T.stripSuffix( T.absfile(self.fout) ) + '_protocols.dat' 507 self.log.add_nobreak( 'Saving parameters to %s...' % f_prot ) 508 T.Dump( self.protocols, f_prot )
509 510
511 - def done(self):
512 """ 513 Write result to file. 514 """ 515 tree = self.getResult() 516 self.log.add("Saving result to %s..." % self.fout) 517 T.Dump( tree, self.fout ) 518 self.log.add( "Done" )
519 520 521 ## 522 ## Assemble the protocols for many AmberEntropist runs 523 ##
524 - def __cpupdate( self, d1, d2 ):
525 """ 526 Merge 2 dictionaries *d1* and *d2* and return a copy 527 """ 528 r = copy.copy( d1 ) 529 r.update( d2 ) 530 return r
532 - def protocols_standard( self, trec, tlig, tcom, 533 ex_frec=None, ex_flig=None, ex_com=None, 534 doshift=1, 535 **options ):
536 """ 537 Create 13 parameter sets for AmberEntropist that cover the calculation 538 of rec, lig, com and fcom entropies with and without splitting of the 539 complex, with and without shifting and shuffling of frames. 540 541 @param options: additional options (like cast, s, e, atoms, thin, step) 542 that are the same in all parameter sets 543 @type options: key=value 544 545 @return: each value of the returned dict contains a set of 546 arguments for one AmberEntropist run 547 @rtype: dict of dict 548 """ 549 fcp = self.__cpupdate 550 r = {} 551 S = self ## make rest more readable 552 553 d = { 'ref':None, 'cast':1, 'chains':None, 554 'split':0, 'shift':0, 'shuffle':0, 'ex_n':0, 'ex3':None, 555 'thin':None, 'step':1, 'ss':0, 'se':None, 'atoms':None } 556 d.update( options ) 557 558 r['frec'] = fcp( d, {'traj':trec, 'ref':S.ref_brec, 'ex':ex_frec } ) 559 r['flig'] = fcp( d, {'traj':tlig, 'ref':S.ref_blig, 'ex':ex_flig } ) 560 r['brec'] = fcp( d, {'traj':tcom, 'ref':S.ref_frec, 'ex':ex_com, 561 'chains' } ) 562 r['blig'] = fcp( d, {'traj':tcom, 'ref':S.ref_flig, 'ex':ex_com, 563 'chains' } ) 564 565 r['fcom'] = fcp( d, {'traj':'%s+%s'%(trec, tlig), 566 'ex':(ex_frec, ex_flig), 567 'ref':S.ref_com, 'split':1 } ) 568 569 ## if doshift: 570 ## r['fcom_shift'] = fcp( r['fcom'], {'shift':1 } ) 571 572 r['fcom_shuff'] = fcp( r['fcom'], {'shuffle':1 } ) 573 574 r['com'] = fcp( d, {'traj':tcom, 'ex':ex_com, 575 'ref':'%s+%s' % (S.ref_frec, S.ref_flig) } ) 576 577 r['com_split'] = fcp( r['com'], { 'split':1, 'border'[0] } ) 578 ## r['com_shuff'] = fcp( r['com'], { 'shuffle':1, 'border'[0] } ) 579 r['com_split_shuff'] = fcp( r['com'], 580 {'split':1,'shuffle':1,'border'[0] } ) 581 if doshift: 582 ## r['com_shift'] = fcp( r['com'], { 'shift':1,'border'[0] } ) 583 r['com_split_shift'] = fcp( r['com'], 584 {'split':1,'shift':1, 'border'[0] } ) 585 586 return r
587 588
589 - def protocols_single_all( self, **options ):
590 """ 591 Set of protocols for all-member trajectories AND single-member traj. 592 with the different shuffle, shift, split settings. 593 Usually 11 x 13 protocols for AmberEntropist (10 members and 1 for all) 594 595 @param options: additional options (like cast, s, e, atoms, thin, step) 596 that are the same in all parameter sets 597 @type options: key=value 598 599 @return: each value of the returned dict contains a set of arguments 600 for one AmberEntropist run, each key is a tuple of the 601 member index and the protocol name, i.e. (0, 'fcom_shuffle') 602 The set of protocols for all-member trajectories has member 603 index None. 604 @rtype: dict of dict 605 """ 606 r = {} 607 ## put all-member protocolls under member index 'None' 608 prots = self.protocols_standard( self.rec, self.lig,, 609 self.ex_frec, self.ex_flig, self.ex_com, 610 **options ) 611 for k,p in prots.items(): 612 r[ (None, k) ] = p 613 614 if not self.all: 615 ## put single-member protocols under their respective member index 616 for i in range( len( self.members_frec ) ): 617 prots = self.protocols_standard(self.members_frec[i], 618 self.members_flig[i], 619 self.members_com[i], doshift=0, 620 **options ) 621 for k, p in prots.items(): 622 r[ (i, k) ] = p 623 624 return r
625 626
627 - def protocols_var_range( self, **options ):
628 """ 629 Complete set of protocols also considering different values of the 630 variable option. 631 """ 632 self.log.add( 'variable option %s with %i values' \ 633 % (self.var, len(self.vrange))) 634 635 r = {} 636 for v in self.vrange: 637 d = copy.copy( options ) 638 d[ self.var ] = v 639 640 prots = self.protocols_single_all( **d ) 641 642 for k, p in prots.items(): 643 r[ (v,) + k ] = p 644 645 return r
646 647 ## 648 ## Re-organize results 649 ##
650 - def dictionate( self, d ):
651 """ 652 Take dict with tuple keys (value, int_member, str_protocol) and build 653 a tree-like dict of dicts in which the values of d can be accessed 654 like:: 655 d[value][int_member][str_protocol] 656 657 @param d: the raw results accumulated from the slave nodes 658 @type d: dict 659 660 @return: tree-like dict ordered by variable value, member, protocol 661 @rtype: dict of dict of dict of dict 662 """ 663 r = {} 664 665 keys = d.keys() 666 667 ## only convert single value tuple keys into non-tuple keys 668 if len( keys[0] ) == 1: 669 for k in keys: 670 r[ k[0] ] = d[ k ] 671 return r 672 673 x_values = MU.nonredundant( [ k[0] for k in keys ] ) 674 675 for x in x_values: 676 677 sub_keys = [ k for k in keys if k[0] == x ] 678 y_values = MU.nonredundant( [ k[1:] for k in sub_keys] ) 679 680 r[ x ] = {} 681 for y in y_values: 682 r[x][y] = d[ (x,) + y ] 683 684 r[ x ] = self.dictionate( r[x] ) 685 686 return r
687 688
689 - def getResult( self, **arg ):
690 """ 691 Collapse the results for different values of the variable parameter 692 into lists and put the results into a tree ala:: 693 r[ member_index ][ protocol_name ][ result_field ] -> [ values ] 694 695 @return: tree-like dict ordered by variable value, member, protocol 696 @rtype: dict of dict of dict of lists 697 """ 698 tree = self.dictionate( self.result ) 699 700 vvalues = tree.keys() 701 vvalues.sort() 702 703 keys = self.result.keys() 704 sub_keys = [ k for k in keys if k[0] == vvalues[0] ] 705 706 r = {} 707 for v, member, protcl in sub_keys: 708 709 try: 710 if not member in r: 711 r[member] = {} 712 713 r[member][protcl] = {} 714 715 run_dic = tree[v][member][protcl] 716 717 for k in run_dic.keys(): 718 r[member][protcl][k] = [ tree[v][member][protcl][k] \ 719 for v in vvalues ] 720 except: 721 EHandler.warning('missing result: ' + str(T.lastError())) 722 723 r['var'] = self.var 724 r['vrange']= self.vrange 725 r['protocols'] = self.protocols 726 727 self.result_tree = r 728 return r
729 730 731 732 733 #### TEST ####### 734 735 if __name__ == '__main__': 736 niceness = {'default': 0} 737 hosts = cpus_all[:80] 738 739 f = T.testRoot() + '/Amber/AmberEntropyMaster/' 740 741 rec = f + 'rec/traj.dat' 742 lig = f + 'lig/traj.dat' 743 com = f + 'com/traj.dat' 744 out = f + 'entropy.out' 745 746 master = AmberEntropyMaster( rec, lig, com, out, step=1, 747 atoms=['CA','CB'], 748 var='ex1', vrange='0:10', 749 exrec=[1],exlig=[0], 750 all=1, 751 hosts=hosts, niceness=niceness, 752 w=1 ) 753 754 master.start() 755