Biskit :: AmberCrdParser :: AmberCrdParser :: Class AmberCrdParser
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class AmberCrdParser

source code

Convert an Amber-generated crd file into a Trajectory object.

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, fcrd, fref, box=0, rnAmber=0, pdbCode=None, log=StdLog(), verbose=0)
[float] line2numbers(self, l)
convert a line from crd/vel file to list of float numbers
[float] nextLine(self)
extract next 10 coordinates from crd file
array nextFrame(self)
Collect next complete coordinate frame
Trajectory crd2traj(self)
Convert coordinates into a Trajectory object.

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, fcrd, fref, box=0, rnAmber=0, pdbCode=None, log=StdLog(), verbose=0)

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  • fcrd (str) - path to input coordinate file
  • fref (str) - PDB or pickled PDBModel with same atom content and order
  • box (1|0) - expect line with box info at the end of each frame (default: 0)
  • rnAmber (1|0) - rename amber style residues into standard (default: 0)
  • pdbCode (str) - pdb code to be put into the model (default: None)
  • log (Biskit.LogFile) - LogFile instance [Biskit.StdLog]
  • verbose (int) - print progress to log [0]

line2numbers(self, l)

source code 

convert a line from crd/vel file to list of float numbers
  • l (str) - line
Returns: [float]
list of floats


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extract next 10 coordinates from crd file
Returns: [float]


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Collect next complete coordinate frame
Returns: array
coordinate frame


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Convert coordinates into a Trajectory object.
Returns: Trajectory
trajectory object